
In: Computer Science

String Manipulator Write a program to manipulate strings. (Visual Studio C++) In this program take a...

String Manipulator Write a program to manipulate strings. (Visual Studio C++)

In this program take a whole paragraph with punctuations (up to 500 letters) either input from user, initialize or read from file and provide following functionalities within a class:

a)   Declare class Paragraph_Analysis
b)   Member Function: SearchWord (to search for a particular word)
c)   Member Function: SearchLetter (to search for a particular letter)
d)   Member Function: WordCount (to count total words)
e)   Member Function: LetterCount (ONLY to count all letters e.g ‘A’,’a’)
f)   Member Function: FindReplaceWord (to find and replace a word)
g)   Member Function: FindReplaceLetter (to find and replace a letter)
h)   Member Function: Summary (to display summary of frequency of each letter within the paragraph)
i)   Of course, a menu is expected by user to know about available functionalities of your Paragraph_Analysis application.

Note: you can use access specifiers, return types and list of parameters of your own choice.


Expert Solution

I have written the C++ Program for the Above problem requirements and have shown few output, The code for program is :

using namespace std;

class Pragraph_Analysis
    string paragraph; // Declaring the paragraph as a string variable
    Pragraph_Analysis(string & para)
        paragraph = para;
    bool SearchWord(string word)
        int i=0,c=0;
         while (paragraph[i]!='\0')
                if (paragraph[i]==word[c] && word[c]!='\0' && paragraph[i]!=' ')

        if (c==word.length()) // if word found the return true else false
        return true;
        return false;
    bool SearchLetter(char letter)
        for(int i=0;i<paragraph.length();++i)
                return true;
        return false;
    int WordCount(string word)
    int count = 0;
        int strLen  = paragraph.length();
        int wordLen = word.length();
        int j;
        for(int i=0; i <= strLen; i++)
                for(j=0; j< wordLen; j++)
                        if(paragraph[i + j] != word[j])
                if(j == wordLen)
        return count;
    int LetterCount(char letter)
        int count=0;
        for(int i=0;i<paragraph.length();++i)
        return count;
    void ReplaceWord(string word,string newword)
        int wordl=word.length();
        for (int j = 0; j < paragraph.length(); j++)
            string key = paragraph.substr(j, wordl), repl;
            if (key ==  word) {
                repl = newword;
                for (int k = 0; k < wordl; k++)
                    paragraph[j+k] = repl[k];
    void FindReplaceLetter(char letter,char newletter)
        for(int i=0;i<paragraph.length();++i)
    void summary()
        map<char,int> m;
        for(int i=0;i<paragraph.length();++i)
        cout<<" Showing the count of every character in Paragraph in ascending order"<<endl;
        for(auto c:m)
                cout<<c.first<<" :"<<c.second<<endl;

int main ()
    string text;
    cout<<"Enter the Paragraph Text :\n";
    Pragraph_Analysis para(text); //created object of class
    int choice=-1;
    cout<<endl<<"Enter your choice from the Menu :\n";
    cout<<"1. Search a word"<<endl;
    cout<<"2. Search a letter"<<endl;
    cout<<"3. Count the frequency of a word"<<endl;
     cout<<"4. Count the frequency of a letter"<<endl;
     cout<<"5. Find and Replace a word"<<endl;
     cout<<"6. Find and Replace a letter"<<endl;
     cout<<"7. To see Summary of paragraph"<<endl;
         case 1:
                 string word;
         cout<<"Enter the word to be searched"<<endl;
            cout<<"Not Found"<<endl;
            case 2:
                     char letter;
            cout<<"Enter the letter to be searched"<<endl;
            cout<<"Not Found"<<endl;

            case 3: {string word;
         cout<<"Enter the word to be count"<<endl;
            case 4: {char letter;
            cout<<"Enter the letter to be count"<<endl;
            case 5:{string word,newword;
         cout<<"Enter the word to be replaced and new word"<<endl;
         case 6:{char letter,newletter;
            cout<<"Enter the letter to be replaced and new letter"<<endl;
         case 7: para.summary();
            cout<<"Wrong Choice"<<endl;


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