
In: Nursing

Develop a presentation sharing how the data collected in the tool is driven by physiological and...

Develop a presentation sharing how the data collected in the tool is driven by physiological and psychological concepts


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The physiological method involves the collection of physiological data from the subjects by using th e specialized equipment to determine biological and physical status of subject for example ;- measurement of blood pressure by using the special equipment such as sphygmomanometer and stethoscope .

The purpose of physiological measures are ;-

  • to study the basic physiologic process
  • to study the physiologic outcome of nursing care
  • to evaluate nursing intervention
  • to study correlation of physiologic functioning in patient with health problems.


In- vivo physiological method performed directly to measure process occuring internally within organism through medical or surgical instruments for example - TPR,BP monitoring
In- vitro physiological methods physiologic process are measured and analysis and analysis is done outside the organism for example ;- blood tests. radiologic measurement , Biochemical measurement , microbiologic measurement


  • physiologic measures are relatively more accurate and errorless , for example to assess the oxygen saturation , pulse oxymeter is used which is belived to be more accurate in providing the reading .
  • phyisologic measures are objectives in nature ,For example , a nurse measuring temperature or blood pressures are good examples of the objectives measurements
  • Provide valid measures for targeted variables .This means biophysiologic measuremnt tools only measure what they are supposed to measure .
  • Easy access to most of the instruments used for physiologic measurememts are easily avialable in hospital , setting which are used for routine patient care .


some of the  instruments used for biophysiologic measurements are very expensive

  • The use of the biophysiologic method requires significant amount of training , knowledge and experienxe
  • The result produced by the physiologic measurement instruments may be affected by the environment for example;- axillary temperature recording in a room with ar without air conditiong may have different reading
  • The use of physiologic measurement instruments may cause fear and anxiety among participant s while collecting the data , for example ;- the collection of blood sample for biophysiologic instruments may have traumatic impact on the subjects
  • The use of some physiologic methods may have harmful effect on the participants, such as repeated exposure to X-ray increases the health risk for study subjects .


these are the methods for collecting the psycholoical attributes like values , attitudes and personality by providing respondents with unstructured stimuli to which they respond.

these involves a wide range of games and tasks in which respondents need to participant during an interview or group which is scheme to extend , facilitate or enhance the discussion nuture .


there are five wa of classification of projective method based on types of response ;-

Association technique ( word association technique )

this techniques requires to repond at the presentation of stimulus ( word ) with the first thing that comes to mind , so as to extract information regarding words that have maximum association ( meaning ) ,

Completion techniques

this is two types sentence completion test ( in which the subject require to complete the sentence , It reveal his attitudes toward the topic ) and the story completion test ( the researcher contrives stories instead of sentences and ask the informants to complete them )

Construction techniques

here is the focus on the product as it is related to thesubject . the subject is required to produce or construct something at direction , usually a story or a picture these are several pictorial techniques used in the constructional technique As like - thematic appreception test (TAT) , Rosenzweig test , Rorschach test , Holtzman inkblot test

Expressive technique

A subject is required to draw , role play , act or paint a particular situation or concept ,

Miscellaneous type

It contains as like drawinh a picture , creating families , using fantansy and daydreams , clay modelling , by all thses method theresearcher collect the data of the participant 's attitudes, assess personality related and values .




  • The amount ,  richness , and accuracy of the information collected is reliable to an appreciating extent ,
  • If teh research is related to personality , belief , values , motivation or other aspect s related to individual their behaviours and unique cognitions , projective techniques can make a specific contribution
  • these techniques give a view of the total functioning of individual
  • At the start of the qualitative research project , projective techniques may be employed as a basis of breaking the ice in a focus group discussion .


  • the interpretative skills are needed in the researcher to handle the complexity of interpretation of projective techniques .Researcher who are skilled and trained in interpretation of this type of information are required because the response have little meaning without careful interpretation
  • In the projective techniques interpretation of responses , a considerable degree of subjectivity i sinvolved and the experts frequently do not agree among themselves .
  • As highly skilled researcher staff has to be employed , hence projective technique are expensive to administer
  • with statistically sample s, it is difficult to perform projective test .This restrict generalization of the result to the population as a whole .  
  • To project themselves into the role s that the researcher want them to do , it may be difficult to get the subjects ,Some subjects   may degree to take part in role - playing excersive .

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