
In: Operations Management

Based on the Industry Speaker’s presentation and advice (Guest Speaker Session), how do individuals develop or...

  1. Based on the Industry Speaker’s presentation and advice (Guest Speaker Session), how do individuals develop or improve their leadership skills and qualities?


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Management strategies and leadership require not merely knowledge of how to assign tasks. Over and above the operational experience in managing their organizations, supervisors and managers must show their skills as managers. At the stage that small business owners hire and retain leaders, they are in charge of training managers and modeling actions that leaders want to imitate to create a successful, happy and fully engaged workforce.

Improving management and leadership practices starts with wise recruiting decisions. This is important for small companies simply because they can not afford to invest the money on hiring new workers that are not working. Choosing the right type of candidate involves the development of job applications which accurately describe the job requirements, qualifications and experience required. This doesn't mean that you only need to recruit supervisors or managers who have been leaders in their previous positions-give applicants a chance to show their skills without previous leadership responsibilities.

Using the interview to collect data on the previous job experience of applicants, team projects they job on, and examples of leadership and management. The interview phase in the selection process helps you to determine the balance between the work ethics of the individual and the ideology of your business.

Hiring new bosses and managers who represent the organization's mission as values, history and working ethics is essential for creating a successful management team. For small businesses, choosing candidates with a strong leadership capacity offers a reasonable basis for the success of the organization as many small-business supervisors and managers have cross-functional roles that offer greater flexibility than their peers who work for large corporations.

Newer managers and supervisors will be routinely educated in order to develop their organizational skills and provide guidance on company policies and procedures. Small businesses can offer informal and formal training fairly quickly and effectively simply because their management team is smaller in scale.

The scope and depth of their knowledge of how the company works are one of the characteristics of professional leaders. Employees look for bosses and managers, and thus more interest is likely to be shown for a leader who understands the mission and business strategy of the company and who knows the activities inside and outside it.

Supervisors and managers need constant guidance, in addition to formal or organized instruction. Managers and managers who consistently offer input to superiors and managers in their organizations provide input that encourages leaders to use best practice. Supervisors and managers must learn how to receive input from the assessment processes used by the director, a practice called modeling, to their own direct report.

Managers who provide informal and structured input and evaluations from managers monitoring model the methods adopted by senior management in evaluating the performance of their employees. They develop evaluation techniques that represent the philosophy of the business. In small businesses, bosses, administrators and employees are typically associated more often and promote stronger relationships and the chance to experience everyday management and leadership activities.

The personnel department represents both foreign and domestic clients of an company. Other external customers include applicants, vendors, distributors and agents to whom HR can externalize certain tasks. Interior customers of HR include workers at all levels of the organisation, from supervisors to managers.

Supervisors and managers of the company are also deserving of assistance from HR workers on how to communicate with employees, address employee issues and performance reviews. Leader empowerment is a basic feature of most HR departments – empowering managers and supervisors means providing them with opportunities to develop management skills and management practices in their employees. The person responsible for HR functions or the top executive is accountable for ensuring that the managers and supervisors in a small business which can not have a dedicated HR department

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