
In: Computer Science

Exercise 1. Write a function named printBox to print a 5 x 10 box of asterisks...

Exercise 1. Write a function named printBox to print a 5 x 10 box of asterisks using nested loops. When printBox() is called your function should display the pattern shown below.

Write a function named printBox to print a 5 x 10 box of asterisks
using nested loops. When printBox() is called your function should
display the following information.



# place the code for the printBox function here

printBox( numRows, numCols )

Exercise 2. Write a function to print a m x n box of asterisks using nested loops where m represents the number of rows and n represents the number of columns.

Write a function to print a m x n box of asterisks using nested loops where
m represents the number of rows and n represent the number of columns.

If the user enters 3 for the number of rows and 4 for the number of columns,
when printBox( numRows, numCols ) is called your function should display
the following:



# place the code for the printBox function here

numRows = int( input( 'Enter the number of rows: ') )
numCols = int( input( 'Enter the number of columns: ') )
printBox( numRows, numCols )

. For example, if the user enters 3 for the number of rows and 4 for the number of columns when printBox( numRows, numCols ) is called your function should display the following:




Exercise 3. Complete the convertTemperture function in by replacing the pass statement with code to compute the temperature conversion and return the converted Celsius value when convertTemperature( tempInF ) is called. Recall you wrote an expression to perform temperature conversion in laboratory assignment 2. The mathematical formula for temperature conversion is: ?? = 5 9 ∙ (?? − 32) where F is the temperature in Fahrenheit and C is the temperature in Celsius. Use floating-point values in your calculation.  

def convertTemperature( fahrenheit ):

tempInF = float( input( "Enter a temperature in Fahrenheit: "))
tempInC = convertTemperature( tempInF )

print( f'{tempInF:.1f} Fahrenheit is {tempInC:.1f} in Celsius' )

Exercise 4. Write a function that prompts the user to enter x and y values of a point in a 2-D coordinate system. Your function should return the two values as the values of the function. This source code calls your function to get values for x and y, and then display the coordinate value. After you add the function definition for getCoordinate.

def getCoordinate():

# these lines call your function to get values of the
# coordinates and displays the result
x, y = getCoordinate()
print ( f'You entered the coordinate <{x},{y}>' )


Expert Solution

Exercise 1:

def printBox():
        for i in range(5):
                for j in range(10):
                        print("*", end =" ") 


Exercise 2:

def printBox(numRows,numColumns):
        for i in range(numRows):
                for j in range(numColumns):
                        print("*", end ="") 

numRows = int( input( 'Enter the number of rows: ') )
numCols = int( input( 'Enter the number of columns: ') )
printBox( numRows, numCols )


Exercise 3:

def convertTemperature( fahrenheit ):
        celsius = (fahrenheit - 32) * 5.0/9.0
        return celsius

tempInF = float( input( "Enter a temperature in Fahrenheit: "))
tempInC = convertTemperature( tempInF )

print( f'{tempInF:.1f} Fahrenheit is {tempInC:.1f} in Celsius' )


Exercise 4:

def getCoordinate():
        x = float( input( "Enter x coordinate: "))
        y = float( input( "Enter y coordinate: "))
        return x,y

x, y = getCoordinate()
print ( f'You entered the coordinate <{x},{y}>' )

Output :

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