
In: Nursing

1. Imagine you have a family member with GAD and they ask you about the pros...

1. Imagine you have a family member with GAD and they ask you about the pros and cons of each of the following treatment options: SSRI, benzo, CBT, "alternative treatments" (exercise, meditation, magnesium, probiotics, etc). What would you tell them?

2. Panic disorder involves a well-established "chemical imbalance" (e.g., disordered acid-sensing receptors in the amygdala). Does this mean it should probably be treated with chemicals (e.g., meds)?

3. Benzos (e.g., Xanax, Ativan, Klonopin) are implicated in over 12,000 drug overdose deaths each year in the US, and yet they remain among the least regulated of all drugs with addiction potential (Schedule 4 classification). How is this even possible?


Expert Solution


GAD is stand for generalized anxiey disorders and the usual age of onset is variable from childhood to late adulthood ,GAD is commonly seen in women than men and the causes is multifactorial like genetics ,trauma ,extreme stress,divorce,loss of a loved issues etc


1-It is a common chronic anxiety disorders charactrized by uncontrollable worry about something

2-It is an uncontrollable feeling of fear with sensations of physical arousal

3-It is an unrealistic or excessive anxiety and worry about a number of activities and events

4- It is a constant and chronic worry causing significant stess.away from social activities,insomnia,irritability ,feeling of restlesness etc

5-Unrealistic and extreme worry about life circumstances for a period at least six months



1-SSRI(selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors)

-Anti-antidepressants-using drugs to relieve signs and symptoms of anxiety related disorders


It a psychoactive drugs ,benzo is also known as benzodiazipines

Benzo is under the category of tranquilizers and increase the effect of GABA (gama amino butyric acid-is an inhibitoryneurotransmitters in the brain)


Contive behavioural therapy is a psychotherapy and is awidely used therapy


Alternative therapies also help to reduce physical and mental disturbances in GAD



-It is a first line treatment for GAD

-It is a drug help for improving mood

-shows better efficacy

-can use in all the age gruops

-it is the most common anti-depressants in clinical use



-it may cause side effects such as sexula sysfunctions,weakness etc

-long term treatment so need more efficiency

It may affect your conitive thinking

-its a drug have to administer in correct dose without fail

-it require special attention

-it cause sedation effects


- its a short term therapy

-not causing sedation effects

-it si also indicated for muscle tension and alcohol withdrawal symptoms

-safe drug


- drugs ausing adverse effects such as respiratort depression and cognitive impairement

-needs special care

-it may affect the normal functions of central nevous systems

- it may cross the placenta



-it is a physical therapy

it is a computed assisted therapy

-it is one type of homework assignment given by the therapist to patient van improve mental capability

-it uses role playing exercise to overcome difficult situations

-it is a psychosocial interventions used for the mental and physical health problems

-it is validated a number of relaxation techniques


-its need special attention or commitment

-its not be suitable for complex mental disorders

-time consuming

-it is focus on individual capacity

-only controlling your emotions and anxiety


-it is a relaxation techniques

-can improve blood circulations

-maintain muscle strength and mental ability

-improve memory status


-time consuming

-require good trainer

-cause mucle injury

-need more concentration and comitment


-No ,it requre both chemical and psychological treatments

-The reason behind as follows

1- mental disorder is not only due to pysical disorders but also due to mental disturbances

2-primary care of mental health promotes respect of humen rights

3- combined therapy generates positive outcomes

4-assess mental health needs of patient and we can choose treatments

5-drugs have more adverse effects

6-access to basic mental health by provoding relaxation techniques and short term adminisration of drugs

7-the right to treatment in the least restrictive situations

8-maintain privacy and security

9-druds or chemicals may damage our vital organ functions

10-we can give both drug and psychological therapies as well


It is psycho active agents help to relieve anxiety


-alcohol withdrawl symptoms

-bipolar disorders


-muscle spasm




1-Long acting drugs




2-Short scting




Possibilities are

-adverse effects we can reduce by administering correct dose and peak concentrations

-prefer for short acting

-assess for early signs and symptoms of adverse effects

-follow ten rights of administration of drugs











- follow standard precautions

-administer according to patients health status


Mental disease requires special ateention in all aspects of care.So as per guidlines we can give primary care to reduce further complications




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