
In: Statistics and Probability

Type or pa A study by Metro Bus Service on the effect of bus-ticket prices on...

Type or pa

  1. A study by Metro Bus Service on the effect of bus-ticket prices on the number of passengers produced the following results:

Ticket Price:        25           30           35           40           45           50           55           60

Pssngrs/100 m   800         700         780         660         640         600         620         620

  1. Plot these dat
  2. Develop the estimating equation that best describe these data.
  3. How can we ensure that the above model best used for provided data?
  4. Predict the number of passengers per 100 miles if the ticket price were 50. Use 95% approximate prediction interval.v

ste question here


Expert Solution

Using Excel<data<data analysis<regression

Regression Analysis
r   -0.853
Std. Error   42.845
n   8
k   1
Dep. Var. Passengers
ANOVA table
Source SS   df   MS F p-value
Regression 29,335.7143 1   29,335.7143 15.98 .0071
Residual 11,014.2857 6   1,835.7143
Total 40,350.0000 7  
Regression output confidence interval
variables coefficients std. error    t (df=6) p-value 95% lower 95% upper
Intercept 902.1429 58.20 15.50 0.00 759.73 1044.56
ticket Price -5.2857 1.3222 -3.998 .0071 -8.5211 -2.0503
Predicted values for: Passengers
95% Confidence Interval 95% Prediction Interval
Predicted lower upper lower upper Leverage
637.857 593.555 682.160 524.042 751.672 0.179

Plot these data

Develop the estimating equation that best describe these data.



Passengers=902.1429-5.2857* Ticket Price

Here Intercept= 902.1429


How can we ensure that the above model best used for provided data?

We have to find the relationship between the two variables so the regression is the best method to mid the relationship between two variables that is bus-ticket prices and the number of passengers.

Predict the number of passengers per 100 miles if the ticket price were 50. Use 95% approximate prediction interval.

Put ticket price =50 in the regression equation:

Passengers=902.1429-5.2857* 50


The number of passengers is 638.

The 95% prediction interval is (524.042,751.672).

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