In: Computer Science
This assignment is about using attributes in HTML. The
attributes you will use for this assignment include the lang
attribute, the type attribute, and the start attribute.
For this assignment, you will write an HTML document to create a
web page that contains ordered lists with numbers, uppercase
letters, lowercase letters, uppercase Roman numerals, and lowercase
Roman numerals; and a list with lowercase Roman numerals that
starts at a value other than 1.
Your document can be about any topic you would like to write about.
For instance, it could be a list of favorite movies or tv shows,
favorite foods, etc. You can repeat the same list items for each
list (so that you can copy and paste the items without having to
re-type them).
Your source code should include:
opening and closing html tags
the lang attribute to set the language of the entire document to English
a head section
a title
a body section
a level 1 heading
ordered lists with:
standard numbering
uppercase letters
lowercase letters
uppercase Roman numerals
lowercase Roman numerals
an ordered list with lowercase Roman numerals starting at a value other than 1.
Make sure that your document has all the proper closing tags
that go with the opening tags.
Write your source code in a text editor (such as Notepad or
TextEdit), and remember to save it with the extension .html or .htm
Then open the assignment and upload the file.
Include your last name and the name of the assignment in the
filename. Remember to save a copy for yourself, either on your hard
drive, or on a flash drive.
Before submitting this assignment, make sure to test your code by
opening it in a browser.
<title>My favorite cartoons</title></head>
Ordered list with the following
<ol type="1">
<li>Ninja Hatori</li>
<ol type="A">
<li>Ninja Hatori</li>
<ol type="a">
<li>Ninja Hatori</li>
<ol type="I">
<li>Ninja Hatori</li>
<ol type="i">
<li>Ninja Hatori</li>
<ol type="i" start="5">
<li>Ninja Hatori</li>