
In: Psychology

Consider the theme of “Wholeness is holiness” and its relationship to these five aspects of psychology:...

Consider the theme of “Wholeness is holiness” and its relationship to these five aspects of psychology: Psychosocial stages of development Attachment theory Stages of spiritual formation Psychological maturity Spiritual maturity


Expert Solution

Wholeness and holiness are much emphasized in in these five aspects of psychology.

The psycho-social stages by erick ericson is about the challenges which a person faces in every stage of their lives. At each stage the person is faced with a crisis, and if the crisis is successfully manged then the positive quality of the stage is developed which is known as the virtue. When the person fails at a crisis, a negative quality is earned. Successful management of all the stages in life lead wholeness of the person in life.

Attachment Theory by Mary Ainsworth measured the attachment patterns of babies. Three attachment patterns which were found were: i. secure: in which the children were confident, happy and independent. ii.Avoidant: emotionally distant and not explorative. iii. ambivalent: are anxious and insecure. iv disorganized.: fearful depressed. So children who had strong attachment with their parents were more secure and happy.

Stages of spiritual formation: This consists of stages ranging from recognition of god to reflection and finally attaining wisdom from the struggles of life. Only when a person is been through the thick and thin of life and encounters many struggles in life. it is only then that can bring wholeness, by developing love and compassion.

Psychological and spiritual maturity: It is to know and understand life. Learning to know ones own self and others. To know ones purpose in live, how to behave with other people, being socially active. to understand that on doesn't get everything one desire and be content with what one has. The more a person is in tune with ones own self and the environment. The more they move towards wholeness.

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