
In: Nursing

Your client is a 32 year old female who stands 5’5” tall with a body weight...

Your client is a 32 year old female who stands 5’5” tall with a body weight of 168 lbs and a waist circumference of 38”. While her father is still in good health at the age of 68 years, her mother had a stent at 62 years old. Your client used to smoke one pack of cigarettes a day until the age of 30 years, at which point she quit smoking. Her most recent physical shows her blood pressure at 138/78 mmHg with LDL of 118 mg/dL and fasting glucose at 95 mg/dL. Her resting heart rate is 72b/min. At this time she only walks a couple of times a week for about 25 minutes, and she usually covers 1.5 miles. She is interested in losing weight and getting healthier with a moderate intensity exercise training program.

  1. How many risk factors does she have and if he has any, what is it (are they)?    

2. What is her risk stratification?

3. Is a medical study recommended before she starts participating?

4. Is an exercise test recommended before exercise testing?

5. If ‘Yes” to #4, should a doctor be present if a submaximal exercise test is performed?

Show your work and units of measure for all calculations:

6. How many kcal/hr does she burn at 1 MET?

7. If she is working at 4 METs, how many kcal/25 min session will she burn?

8. Assuming a flat surface, calculate each for one of her walks (use the ACSM formula for estimating O2 demands for walking)



Kcals expended=


Expert Solution

1. In this client with height 5.5, weight 167 ibs and waist circumference 38, these are indicated obesity. While calculating BMI it is more than 27 and indicate that above normal and included in obese category. And also her vital signs are now under borderline but chance are high to get exposed to disease. She already has family history of heart disease and she was a chainsmoker and obesity, these are major risk factors for Cardiac diseases.

2. In this situation her vitals are no at all stable. Variations in blood pressure, diastolic BP is high. And there may be chance for hypertensive disorders. Her LDL value is more than normal(100mg/dl) so there is chance for developing heart disease and also she has family history of cardiac disorder. Exercises are not adequate for maintain healthy lifestyle.

3. In present scenario she needs medical attention because she belongs to risk category. Early identification and management is better way to avoid diseases.

4.its a very good suggestion to do exercise test prior to do exercise testing. Sub maximal Exercise test is better to predict aerobic capacity or ability to perform a standardized exercise or task.

5. Better to perform Sub maximal exercise test to check aerobic capacity. Better to take medical assistance in this situation. calculation formula is

Calories burn per minute=MET×3.5×BODY WEIGHT IN KILOGRAM/200

SO =1×3.5×76.20/200


So calories burn per minute is 1.335kilocalories /minute.

7. Formula for calories burn per minute =MET×3.5×Body weight in kg/200




=1066. 8/200

=5.334 per minute

In case of 25 minutes=25×5.334





=0.1ml x mt=O2 in horizontal movement

So. 0.1×76.20×25mt


So oxygen consumption is 190.5.

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