
In: Nursing

Below is what I usually eat daily. Answer the following questions on the food log below....

Below is what I usually eat daily. Answer the following questions on the food log below.

What are the functions of each nutrient?

Did you consume enough or too much of each (deficiencies / excesses)?

What are the health benefits of each, as well as the risks to health if too much or too little are consumed?

Did you select good sources of each (fried vs baked, simple vs complex carbs, saturated vs unsaturated fats, etc.)?

What would be your recommendations/modifications for optimal health benefits? Give specific examples (e.g., if you were lacking Vit. D, list sources that would increase your Vit. D consumption).

Food log, Day 1


Water             0 kcal            


Chicken and Shrimp with Fried Rice 780 kcal

Water              0 kcal

Snack 1

Doritos Chips             150 kcal


Macaroni & Cheese   360 kcal

Hot Dog                     150 kcal

Water                          0 kcal

Snack 2

Grapes                         62 kcal


Total: 1,502 kcal


Expert Solution


Nutrients are the components in food that are essential for the body in suitable amounds. these essential nutrients include proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and water.

good nutrition is essential for good health. it promotes health and prevents diseases.

  • CARBOHYDREATES - carbohydrates are the source of quick and sustained energy to our body. primary function of carbohydrates is to provide energy. carbohydrates are stored as glycogen which protects the liver against bacterial toxin and poisonous substances. it helps the heart to pumb efficiently. glucose from carbohydrates supplies energy to the brain for proper functioning. some carbohydrates are essential in the diet so that the oxidation of fats can proceed normally.
  • PROTEINS - proteins are known as the building blocks of the body. it make up the main solid matter of muscles, organs and endocrine glands. they are the chief constitute of the matrix of bones and teeth, serum and bloos cells, skin nails and hair. proteins are essential for growth.
  • FATS AND LIPIDS - a layer of fats undeneath the skin controles the body temparature. fat and adipose tissue around the vital organs protects them from mechanical injuries.fat insulation around nerve fibers helps in trasmission of nerve impulses. Fats helps to maintain the tissue structure and helps in cell nmetabolism.
  • VITAMINS AND MINERALS - vitamins and minerals are essential for healthy human growth metabolism development and body function.
  • WATER - water is one of the most essential requirement of human body. 50-65 percent of adult human body is consist of water. water helps to regulate body temparature, moistness of tissues inthe eyes, nose and mouth. it carries nutrients to the cells.

The energy requirement for  healthy adult men is 2300 kcal/day and for women it is 1900 kcal/day. in this dietery chart the energy requirement for a day is not sufficient.

the total fat requirement in this dietery chart is sufficient . normal fat requirement is 44-78 grams per day [ if you are following 2000 kcal/ day] and there is 55 grams in the diet chart  

daily requirement of protein is 0.8 grams per boduweight. from this diet chat you will get 75.3 grams of protein. if your body weight is 50 kg the required amound of protein is 40 grams.

from this diet plan you will get vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin C, vitamin B6, calcium, iron, cobalmin and magnesium.

daily water requirement is 3.7 L for men and 2.7 L for women.

when comparing fried vs baked, baked will be a better option for a person who is consuming more amount of fats.

complex carbohydrates are available in foods such as bread and pastha where as simple carbohydrates are available in sugar and syrups. complex carbs contains longer sugar molecules than the simple carbs. therefore complex carbs are require for the body than simple carbs.

when it comes to fats unsaturated fats are good for health than saturated fats. because the unsaturated fats can helps to lower your cholesterol. you will get these unsaturated fats from fish like salmon and tuna [ omega 3 fatty acid] and fron nuts , olive, canola oils, avocados etc. you can replace the bad fats like butter by replaceing with olive oil, processed snacks with nuts, steak with salmon etc.

In this diet chart you have to add more amounts of carbohydrates and foods with vitamin D

foods containing carbohydrates

  • bread
  • beans
  • popcorns
  • potato
  • spagaty
  • corn
  • cherry pie
  • cereals

foods containing vitamin D

  • salmon
  • mashrooms
  • tuna
  • butter
  • creams
  • eggs
  • liver

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