In: Computer Science
Learn about conditional statements and Boolean operators.
Let R and S be two rectangles in the xy-plane whose sides are
parallel to the coordinate axes. Each rectangle is described by its
center and its height and width. Determine if R and S
1) Suppose R is the rectangle centered at the origin height and
width equal to one and S is the rectangle centered at the point
(1,1) with a height equal to 2 and width equal to 3. Then L and S
2) Suppose R is the rectangle centered at the origin height and
width equal to one and S is the rectangle centered at the point
(100,100) with a height equal to 2 and width equal to 3. Then L and
S do not overlap.
If two given rectangles as described above overlap, their
intersection forms a new rectangle. Further determine its center,
height, and width
struct point{ //struct point to store point coordinates
int m,n; //m represents x and n represents y coordinate
//overlap functioin takes 4 points and return true if overlaps and
false if doesn't
bool overlap(struct point p1, struct point p2, struct point p3,
struct point p4){
return false;
return true;
//main function
void main(){
int a,b,c,d,w1,h1,w2,h2;
printf("Enter rectange1 center: ");
scanf("%d%d",&a,&b);//a,b stores center of 1st
printf("Enter rectangle1 width and height: ");
scanf("%d%d",&w1,&h1);//w1 and h1 stores width and height
of rectangle1 respectively.
printf("Enter rectange2 center: ");
scanf("%d%d",&c,&d);//c,d stores center of 2nd
printf("Enter rectangle2 width and height: ");
scanf("%d%d",&w2,&h2);//w2,h2 stores width and height of
rectange2 respectively.
struct point p1,p2;//p1 stores the top-left point and p2 stores
bottom-right of rectangle1
p1.m = a-w1/2;
p1.n = b+h1/2;
p2.m = a+w1/2;
p2.n = b-h1/2;
struct point p3,p4;//p2 stores top-left and p4 stores bottom-right
points of rectangle2
p3.m = c-w2/2;
p3.n = d+h2/2;
p4.m = c+w2/2;
p4.n = d-h2/2;
bool result = overlap(p1,p2,p3,p4);
if(result)//if result is true then
printf("the two rectangles are overlapping");//this message is
else printf("the rectangles are not overlapping");//else this
message is printed
//output screenshots
//any query, post in the
comment section.