
In: Nursing

How ageing affects the physiological and anatomical changes in the immune system??

How ageing affects the physiological and anatomical changes in the immune system??


Expert Solution

What is aging?

Aging is the sequential or progressive change in an organism that leads to an increased risk of debility , disease and death.

Age brings changes to the immune system , aged people are less able to defend themselves against infection from foreighn pathogens.Almost all componants of the immune system are adversaly affected by ageing , resulting in an overall decline in immunocompetence.The system becomes less able to mount an effective response and the mechanisms normally invoked to get rid of a foriegn agent desrupted; this decline is called immunosenesence.The innate defences change profoundly , but the adaptive defences undergo an even more sever age related detoriation .

here we can discuss system by system changes of immune respose with aging.The following steps summerises the age related changes to the immune system.

Mucus membrains

  • epethelium become less resistant
  • Mucus production is compromised

Innate Immune Response

  • Neutrophils, compramised pgagocytosis,chemotaxis and intra cellular killing
  • Macrophages decreased phagocytic, killing and wound -healing abilities
  • Dendritic cells: dysregulated function

Adaptive Immune Response

  • T cells , decreased production and Impaired function
  • B cells: decreased production and quality of antibody response
  • Dendric cells; dysregulated function

Immune Response

  • Inflamatory response is blunted
  • Chronic low grade inflamation sets in


  • Becomes thinner, drier, less elastic and more prone to get injury
  • In situ devices(Eg catheter, periferal lines , Rt tubes,pacemaker etc) provides portal of entry for pathogens
  • Number of dendric cells decreases.


  • Thymus atrophies(thymud involution)
  • Out put of nalve T cells declines

Bone marrow

  • Lower output of lymphoid cells
  • Decreased production of mature B cells.

Integumentary system

  • Weakens as dermis thins and sweating mechanism diminishes

Immune System

  • Impaire ability to fight off disease and infection due to immunosenescence

Cardio vascular System

  • Reduction in cardiovascular capacity due to structural changes in heart and blood vessels

Endocrine system

Reduction in hormone production to regulate physiology

Body Composition

Favors accumilation of fat mass

Nervous System

  • Reduction in proprioception,perception,and response to stimuli

Respiratory System

  • Reduction in oxygen delivary due to lower elastricity of the lung tissue and thickening of the alveolar walls

Skeletal Muscle

  • Losses in function as muscle strength,function and quality

Urinary System

  • Reduction in kidney filteration and incontinence

Skeletal System

  • Reduction in bone density and increases in arthritic joints issues.

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