
In: Computer Science

Discuss the ethical implications of not being open, fullyhonest, and transparent when communicating project progress....

Discuss the ethical implications of not being open, fully honest, and transparent when communicating project progress. What if you are behind but feel you and your team can get caught up before anyone notices much? Should you neglect to mention certain embarrassing details in your meeting and just highlight the good stuff? Why or why not?

What are the important types of meetings and what subjects should be discussed at meetings with project stakeholders? At what project stages should meetings take place? What kind of information should be presented? Discuss the overall importance of appropriate detail levels, material presented, and issue highlighting that can occur in different meeting types. We did not create a Project Communications Plan for our simulation. Why do you think most projects should have such a plan, or not?

Short answers please..


Expert Solution

Project Communications Plan

Reasons for having a plan in project:

  • Helps to have a clarity on the project requirements.
  • The project development will be organised.
  • Helps in identifying roadblocks, issues, goals and deadlines.

Ethical implications of not being honest/transparent:

  • Project deadlines will be missed.
  • Loss of money and time of client/customer.
  • Bring bad opinion or disrespect to the organisation.
  • Product quality will be decreased.

Important types of meetings:

  • Daily status update meetings.
    • This is to identify the daily progress on the task and if any roadblocks to achieve the desired task.
    • Highlights:
      • Short meeting of maximum 1 hour.
      • Fast and quick to discuss only main issues.
      • Project stakeholder/Client not required in this.
  • Weekly task update meetings.
    • A more generalised meeting to know the completed tasks in the week and status of any unfinished tasks.
    • Highlights:
      • ​​​​​​​Long meetings for 2-3 hours as all the tasks have to be discussed.
      • All module wise team members join.
      • Client is required in the meeting.
  • Monthly All Hand Meeting.
    • To discuss the project requirements, improvements and suggestions for the project.
    • Highlights:
      • ​​​​​​​Very long meeting time for an entire day or half day.
      • Client is mandatorily required.

Stages of project meetings:

  • Project requirement gathering phase.
    • Information presented:
      • ​​​​​​​This is to gather the project requirements and is done during the very initial stages of project.
    • Material presented: Requirement documents, Screenshots.
  • Development phase.
    • Information presented:
      • The design, architecture and development plans are discussed in this stage.
      • This is important stage as the main work gets done here.
      • This is the implementation part of the project.
      • Daily status update and weekly task update meetings are held here.
    • Material presented: Development tools, open-source or free softwares.
  • Bug/Defect fixing phase.
    • Information presented:
      • Once the project is developed, then comes the defect fixing stage.
      • This stage is to provide the quality product to the customer.
      • This stage makes sure that the product is developed as per the discussions from requirement gathering phase.
      • Daily status update and weekly task update meetings are held here.
    • Material presented: Excel sheets to track defect status.
  • Deployment/Production phase.
    • Information presented:
      • Once all the defects are resolved, the product is ready to be deployed.
      • The stable end product is delivered to the customer.
    • Material presented: Production server, Release notes.

Importance of Project Plan:

  • Every project should have plan to make sure the project is going in the right direction.
  • To resolve any un-planned issues which have come up in the project.
  • Customer will know the progress and will not be shocked in the last moment if the project is not delivered.

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