
In: Statistics and Probability

A study looked at if TV show content influenced the ability of watchers to remember brand...

A study looked at if TV show content influenced the ability of watchers to remember brand names of items in commercials. Researchers randomly assigned volunteers to watch one of three programs, each containing the same nine commercials. After the show ended, the volunteers were asked to remember the brands of products that were advertised. Below shows how many of the nine commercials the volunteers remembered correctly:

Program | Size | Mean | SD

Violent | 108 | 2.08 | 1.87

Sexual | 108 | 1.71 | 1.76

Neutral | 108 | 3.17 | 1.77

  1. Perform an hypothesis test. State the hypotheses, t-stat, p-value, and conclusion.

  2. Using a Bonferroni adjustment, find simultaneous 95% confidence intervals for the pairwise differences in means, and refine your conclusion from part (1). (so a set of 3 confidence intervals.)


Expert Solution

One Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)              

Anova: Single Factor
Groups Count Sum Average Variance std dev
A 108 224.64 2.080 3.497 1.8700
B 108 184.68 1.710 3.098 1.7600
C 108 342.36 3.170 3.133 1.7700
Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit
Between Groups 124.438 2 62.219 19.189 0.0000 3.02
Within Groups 1040.832 321 3.242
Total 1165.269 323

Bonferroni adjustment

α=0.05/3 = 0.0167

Level of significance= 0.0167
no. of treatments,k= 3
DF error =N-k= 321
MSE= 3.2425
t-critical value,t(α/2,df)= 2.4066
confidence interval
population mean difference critical value lower limit upper limit result test stat p value
µ1-µ2 0.370 0.58972 -0.2197 0.9597 means are not different 1.510 0.1320
µ1-µ3 -1.090 0.59 -1.68 -0.50 means are different -4.448 0.0000
µ2-µ3 -1.460 0.59 -2.05 -0.87 means are different -5.958 0.0000

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