Consider an online reservation system for a bus company. The
bus company includes several buses and realizes trips to different
cities. Each bus is identified by its plate number and a separately
assigned bus number. The trips are based on a predefined schedule
and stop at predefined bus stations. Each bus can have only one
trip per day. Each bus includes a driver and one hostess. For long
trips, the bus will have breaks at service and rest areas. There
are two types of trips, normal trips and express trips. Express
trips do not stop at intermediate stations and get faster at the
Seats can be reserved by customers on the web site of the bus
company. The customer has the option to directly pay for the seat
through the website. In that case, the seat cannot be cancelled
(neither by the customer nor by the bus company). If the customer
has not paid for the seat, the bus company can cancel the seat if
the customer does not show up one hour before the trip. When the
reservation is cancelled, the seat will become free and can be sold
to another customer. Both the customer and the company staff must
authenticate themselves for performing operations with the
1- Draw the use case diagram
2- Perform an analysis object (i.e. domain) modeling for the
software system described above. Describe a scenario associated
with reservation of a seat, and construct a sequence diagram for
this scenario. Show any boundary, control, and entity objects
3- Sketch out a GUI
4- Describe a scenario associated with reservation of a
5- Draw a Domain Class Diagram: Representing the object of the
6- Draw a communication diagram for the above use case
7- Draw a sequence diagram for this scenario. Show any
boundary, control, and entity objects explicitly.