
In: Physics

1-Explain a physical system has block attached to the end of string? 2-A rope of length...

1-Explain a physical system has block attached to the end of string?

2-A rope of length and mass has a string of force constant at distance d. Calculate the frequency?


Expert Solution



A system in which a block is attached to the string at the end of the string. The string can be arranged in two ways one will be along horizontal axis and one will be along vertical axis. In both the condition the block will show simple harmonic motion. As string has string constant which tends to pull the block inward.


Given, Length of rop=L


Distance of the string in stretched condition =d

The entire system is kept vertical

So, forec due to gravity on the block, F=Mg

And tention in the string is T

Transverse wave will be generated

Now tention in the string at a distance 'd' from the bottom is given by


Speed of wave in the string is,

=M/L, mass per unit length


Also, V=dx/dt, put d=x


Frequency is given by 1/ time period

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