
In: Computer Science

Using the following code perform ALL of the tasks below in C++: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Implementation: Overload input...

Using the following code perform ALL of the tasks below in C++:



Overload input operator>> a bigint in the following manner: Read in any number of digits [0-9] until a semi colon ";" is encountered. The number may span over multiple lines. You can assume the input is valid.

Overload the operator+ so that it adds two bigint together.

Overload the subscript operator[]. It should return the i-th digit, where i is the 10^i position. So the first digit is the one's place (10^0) and the second digit is the ten's place (10^1).


Build unit test for add. There is some testing but it is very incomplete. You will need to develop better tests cases here.

Build unit tests for subscript. There is a file for this but it has no tests.

Make sure your input operator works. This requires you to manually inspect the output. Test with different values and ranges.

You will need to update the Makefile - instructions are in the Makefile.

The command make tests will build and run the unit tests.

Create a main body, name the file add.cpp. See main.cpp (in svn/shared) as a starting point. The main reads from the file data1-1.txt and must do the following:

Test for success of opening the file in your program.

Read in two numbers into bigints and write both out separated by a blank line.

Add these together and write the result.

Then read in two more big numbers, adding them and writing the result until end of file.

All output must be labeled and neat.

The command make add will build and run this program.








#include "Header.h"

int main() {

//open files

std::ifstream inFile;"dataFiles/mixed_input.txt");


//check if file even opened


std::cout << "File did not open.\n";

return -1;


//stores some input data

char i;

inFile >> i;

std::cout << i << "\n";



std::cout << i << "\n";

inFile >> i;



BigInt bi(7925);

std::cout << bi << std::endl;



BigInt bi1 ("7925");

std::cout << bi1 << std::endl;



//comparing bi and bi1.

// 1 - indicates EQUAL

// 0 - indicates UNEQUAL.


bool areEqual = (bi == bi1);

printf("\n Are bi and bi1 equal? %d\n",areEqual);


BigInt bi2 (1234);

std::cout << bi2 << std::endl;



//comparing the value after it has changed.

areEqual = (bi == bi2);

printf("\n Are bi and bi2 equal? %d\n",areEqual);



size_t strlen_(const char *s) {

return strlen(s);


//helps debug the print

void BigInt::debug_print(std::ostream& out) const {


out << " | ";

for(int i = MAX_DIGITS - 1; i >= 0; --i)

out << digit[i] << " | ";






//takes integer

BigInt::BigInt(int value){


//initialize all array elements to 0

int x = 0;

while (x < MAX_DIGITS) {

digit[x] = 0;




int i = 0;

while (value > 0){

i = i * 10 + (value % 10);

value /= 10;



//store the input into array

for (int x = 0; x <= MAX_DIGITS; ++x) {

digit[x] = i % 10;

i /= 10;



//takes char value

BigInt::BigInt(const char *value){


//initialize all array elements to 0

int x = 0;

while (x < MAX_DIGITS) {

digit[x] = 0;




//initialize size variable so it has number of digits in input.

size = strlen_(value);


//convert the character array to integer array and store the same value to it.

for(int i = 0; i < size; ++i){

this->digit[i] = *value - '0';




//overload operator== to compare

bool operator==(const BigInt &rhs , const BigInt &lhs){


//check to see if size of both inputs are equal, if not, it returns false.

if(lhs.size != rhs.size)

return false;


//compare every value.

for(int i = 0; i < lhs.size; i++){

if (lhs.digit[i] != rhs.digit[i])

return false;


return true;


//overload operator<<

std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream & out, const BigInt & bi){


//return each index value to the out stream

for(int i = 0; i < bi.size; ++i )

out << bi.digit[i];




//overload operator>>

std::istream &operator>>(std::istream & in, const BigInt & bi){


//overload operator+

BigInt operator+(const BigInt & rhs)const{

return lhs + rhs;


//overload operator[]

int BigInt::operator[](const BigInt &bi){

//10^0 represents the ones place in the number and [0] in the array and so on

return 0;





#ifndef Header_h

#define Header_h

const int MAX_DIGITS = 500;

class BigInt {



//array contains the BigInt.

int digit[MAX_DIGITS];

int size;



//default constructor



//constructor that takes integer.

BigInt(int value);


//constructor that takes character array.

BigInt(const char *value);


//debug code

void debug_print(std::ostream& out) const;


// overloaded <<, ==, >>, +, []friend functions.

friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, const BigInt &bi);

friend std::istream &operator>>(std::istream &in, const BigInt &bi);

friend bool operator==(const BigInt &rhs, const BigInt &lhs);

int operator[](const BigInt &bi);

BigInt operator+(BigInt & rhs)const;


#endif /* Header_h */


Expert Solution




#include "Header.h"

int main() {

//open files

std::ifstream inFile;"dataFiles/mixed_input.txt");


//check if file even opened


std::cout << "File did not open.\n";

return -1;


//stores some input data

char i;

inFile >> i;

std::cout << i << "\n";



std::cout << i << "\n";

inFile >> i;



BigInt bi(7925);

std::cout << bi << std::endl;



BigInt bi1 ("7925");

std::cout << bi1 << std::endl;



//comparing bi and bi1.

// 1 - indicates EQUAL

// 0 - indicates UNEQUAL.


bool areEqual = (bi == bi1);

printf("\n Are bi and bi1 equal? %d\n",areEqual);


BigInt bi2 (1234);

std::cout << bi2 << std::endl;



//comparing the value after it has changed.

areEqual = (bi == bi2);

printf("\n Are bi and bi2 equal? %d\n",areEqual);



size_t strlen_(const char *s) {

return strlen(s);


//helps debug the print

void BigInt::debug_print(std::ostream& out) const {


out << " | ";

for(int i = MAX_DIGITS - 1; i >= 0; --i)

out << digit[i] << " | ";






//takes integer

BigInt::BigInt(int value){


//initialize all array elements to 0

int x = 0;

while (x < MAX_DIGITS) {

digit[x] = 0;




int i = 0;

while (value > 0){

i = i * 10 + (value % 10);

value /= 10;



//store the input into array

for (int x = 0; x <= MAX_DIGITS; ++x) {

digit[x] = i % 10;

i /= 10;



//takes char value

BigInt::BigInt(const char *value){


//initialize all array elements to 0

int x = 0;

while (x < MAX_DIGITS) {

digit[x] = 0;




//initialize size variable so it has number of digits in input.

size = strlen_(value);


//convert the character array to integer array and store the same value to it.

for(int i = 0; i < size; ++i){

this->digit[i] = *value - '0';




//overload operator== to compare

bool operator==(const BigInt &rhs , const BigInt &lhs){


//check to see if size of both inputs are equal, if not, it returns false.

if(lhs.size != rhs.size)

return false;


//compare every value.

for(int i = 0; i < lhs.size; i++){

if (lhs.digit[i] != rhs.digit[i])

return false;


return true;


//overload operator<<

std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream & out, const BigInt & bi){


//return each index value to the out stream

for(int i = 0; i < bi.size; ++i )

out << bi.digit[i];




//overload operator>>

std::istream &operator>>(std::istream & in, const BigInt & bi){


//overload operator+

BigInt operator+(const BigInt & rhs)const{

return lhs + rhs;


//overload operator[]

int BigInt::operator[](const BigInt &bi){

//10^0 represents the ones place in the number and [0] in the array and so on

return 0;


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