Small country considering to
join the World Trade Organization
- Means for increasing smaller countries' bargaining power, in
negotiations with larger trading partners
- WTO underlines the need for considerations for small
- These countries are weaker without WTO giving them a stronger
voice in negotiations, and, decision making
- Makes power countries play by the rules
- There are exceptions, flexibilities & delays
- All countries are equal; these countries would have been
powerless to act without powerless trading partners
- officials trained to work more effectively in the system
- Vulnerable, not able to deal with economic, and, environmental
shocks - hurricanes, and, tsunamis
- Raises income, and, reduces the cost of living
- Tool for powerful lobbies
- May destroy jobs due to economic dislocation
- Small countries do not have large markets to offer in
- It may exacerbate global warming, and, increase inefficient
- Not invited to all meetings, too poor to defend themselves