In: Operations Management
In recent years, health insurance provision by employers has grown globally and is rapidly becoming the most valued employee benefit, particularly in developing markets. In many countries, benefits provided under public health programs are being scaled back, both in terms of coverage and the share of costs covered. As a result, employer-sponsored health plans have grown exponentially in the past decade, says Towers Watson, a consulting firm.
Globally what is the average medical cost trend expected to be in the emerging economies than in advanced economies?
The global healthcare expenditure is increasing in emerging
economies. It slightly declined in 2017 that increased by 5.5%,
which was 6.2% in 2016. However, it witnessed an uprising trend
after it where the cost increase by 5.7%, and 5.75%, in the years
2018, and 2019 respectively. Moreover, it is expected to increase
by 6.0% in 2020. However, medical expenditure in an advanced
economy is comparatively lower than the emerging economies in terms
of percentage. The medical cost in an advanced economy is 3.36% in
the year 2016, followed by 3.49%, 3.65%, and 3.82% in the years
2017,2018, and 2019 respectively. The expected increase in the
medical coat in the year 2020 is 4.03%.
The comparative analysis has made it clear that the average
healthcare cost is higher in emerging economies than in the
advanced economies.