
In: Economics

Some political scientists, using what is called “critical theory,” suggest that power is operating in ways...

Some political scientists, using what is called “critical theory,” suggest that power is operating in ways most of us do not think about. For example, they argue that dominant groups and forces in society have the power to shape the way the majority views the world. This hidden form of power might take place via influence over educational systems, media, etc., rather than simply winning political power and using obvious methods like passing laws and ordering the police to arrest certain people. Do you think that think about power in this way helps us to understand political power?


Expert Solution

Answer) Given thought process about how politics and power structures exist beyond elections and policies is absolutely true and it does help us to understand political power in its true sense,if one look at policy making,it is not simply based on merit of the arguments for and against the decision,it also involves lobbying,it also involves political positioning,look at examples from so many countries where political positioning overtakes the good of district,very fact that your donor can influence your decision is how real politics work,but it is not limited to just lobby groups,when we look at media houses running different versions of same story,we see the influence of political power,it is also evident when we look at how institutes at times face pressure.

But why it is important for us to consider all this and how does it help us understand politics in a different way,it is important as it gives us a different perspective which is beyond usual elections,it also let us help to think of every decision,every policy change as connected to each other but what is most important is that it makes us an informed citizen who can seperate facts from positioning and not just blindly follow their leaders,it helps us make informed choices and think of politics,the influence in terms of lobbying or media stories in a specific way and ultimately paves way for more transparent politics.

Answer is complete.Thank you!

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