In: Nursing
Mr Suliasi, a 53-year-old male retired FMF baker, is admitted to the TB ward at the Toomey Hospital because of productive cough of more than 2 weeks, hemoptysis, anorexia, and weight loss. His temperature is slightly elevated every afternoon. After performing a Mantoux skin test, he is considered as a patient suspected with pulmonary tuberculosis.
- overview of the condition, causes and risk factors relating to the above case.
-Describe the outlook/prognosis for the patient.
- What are the Patient and family education plans if any.
-Identify 5 therapeutic interventions and rationale (nursing/medical/surgical) that you will carry out in the ward for this patient in order of priority.
- What is the Focused Health Assessment based on signs and symptoms of the patient (Physical examination) and its findings?
Pulmonary tuberculosis is a communicable disease spread by airborne or droplet infection. It is caused by mycobacterium tuberculi .This microorganisms enters the lungs in form of tubercle bacilli ,in normal immune response this has to be fought back right in the upper respiratory system but when this fails it reaches the alveoli .The microorganism multiplies and alters its function leading to symptoms of fever due to infection ,cough, sputum production , dyspnea, loss of weight due to anorexia, etc. ,
The risk factor here can be increasing age which can decrease the immunity power .
The patient and family education plans are
The therapeutic interventions are
The focused assessment include
Auscultation to assess the breath sounds ,air movement
The color ,quantity of the sputum
Sputum culture assessment ,and AFB smear to know the causative agent
Weight monitoring andakung necessary dietary changes