In: Physics
Windows 10 Inside Out:
In the Search box on the Taskbar, type WordPad and press “Enter”.
Type some text into WordPad.
A) What keyboard shortcuts would you use to select all of this text and copy it to the Clipboard? (See Table 3-2 on page 103.)
B) Go the end of the text in WordPad. What keyboard shortcut would you use to paste what you copied into WordPad?
C) What keyboard shortcut would you use to Undo what you just pasted into WordPad?
How would you change the primary mouse button to right?
Adjust the size of text in the Display setting.
What size did you decide works best for you?
To select all of the text the shortcut key is Ctrl+A
And to copy the selected text the shortcut is Ctrl+C
To paste the copied text the shortcut key is Ctrl+V
To undo what you just pasted, the shortcut key is Ctrl+Z
To change the primary mouse button to right you need to go through the following steps
Go to Start and click on Settings
Start --> Settings
Go to Devices in Settings App
In Devices go to Mouse Tab
Go to Additional mouse options
Check the option: Switch primary and secondary buttons
And then hit OK. And you are done.
The text size of 11 is the default size in the Wordpad.
The text size of 14 works best for most of the people.