In: Nursing
Prepare a concept map for a musculoskeletal disorder from your readings. Use the included template to outline the system disorder including the pathophysiology, etiology, clinical manifestations, and treatment.
* Musculoskeletal disorder = Musculoskeletal system disorder is the disorder of bone, muscle, ligament tendon and joint in these disorder movement are affected.
Strains = Pulling and stretching of muscle or tendon.
Sprain = Ligament injury or stretching.
* Osteoarthritis = Osteoarthritis is a non inflammatory degenerative joint disease.
- Most commonly affect weight bearing joints, example - Hip, knee, & Lower vertebral column.
- Most common form of arthritis, associated with ageing and obesity.
* Pathophysiology = Due to etiological or hereditory factor , age, overweight etc
Involvement of central joint and weight bearing large joint
Weight bearing , stress ( Wear & Tear )
Muscle atrophy of joint or muscle and stiffness of joints
contracture of muscle also
Distalinterfalamgeal spaces - Haberdens nodes
Proximal interphalangeal spaces - Bonchards nodes
With Humidity and environmental changes
Stiffness of joint resulting
* Osteoarthritis *
* Etiology =
Unknown, Hereditory, Cellular change and cartilage alteration with age .
Sex - Male with low testosterone and female with oestrogen hormon- Post menopausal women.
Weight- overweight, Occupation - Sports injury and smoking.
* Clinical features =
* Chronic progressive - Pain, Tenderness and swelling
- Pain aggravet with activity.
- Rest may relieve pain.
- Stiffness of joint.
- Dull pain which increases with weight bearing.
- Decrease range of motion
Presence of Heberden's nodes or Bouchards nodes.
* Treatment =
Aspirin, - NSAID,
Corticosteroids- Dopamedrol injection into the joint.
Bone supplements - Vitamin D and Calcium administeration.
Injection - Hyalur- Hyaluronidase - To stronger the hyaline cartilage .
Arthroplasty - partial or complete. and osteomy
Decrease the fat and carbohydrate diet and increase vitamin D3, calcium and protein diet,
* Hot and cold compression as ordered.
* Encourage patient to perform activity of daily living.