
In: Economics

1) Identify the regulatory objectives for the Palestine Monetary Authority as the single regulator of the...

1) Identify the regulatory objectives for the Palestine Monetary Authority as the single regulator of the banking sector in Palestine. Are they compatible and consistent with what we have studied during this course? (maximum of 200 words)

Question 2 In almost all industries, regulation is put in place to protect consumers. The case for the regulation of financial services and markets is no different, and in fact may be even stronger as no tangible product is actually purchased . Discuss this statement? (maximum of 200 words).


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The targets of the Monetary Authority are guaranteeing the sufficiency of banking tasks, keeping up monetary strength, and empowering financial development in Palestine, in understanding with the overall arrangement of the National Authority. To accomplish these destinations, it will have the accompanying obligations and forces, as per the arrangements of the law:

1. Issue the national money and coins at the appropriate time, as per the terms and conditions to be dictated by the law on giving money and making sure about the required money save.

2. Manage banking exercises, issue and drop bank licenses, control and direct banks, and force punishments on them.

3. Plan, direct, and distribute the equalization of installments.

4. Give liquidity to banks inside the legitimately settled cutoff points. Create, direct, and execute monetary and credit strategies and approaches on managing in outside monetary standards, as per the arrangements of the Currency and Credit Law.

6. Keep up and deal with the National Authority's hold of gold and outside monetary standards.

7. Give money related and monetary exhortation to the National Authority, complete financial what's more, monetary investigations all the time, and distribute the outcomes.

8. Fill in as money related operator to the National Authority and Palestinian open foundations inside and outside Palestine.

9. Create and actualize guidelines, declarations, and directions to guarantee support of a successful, secure, and sound financial framework.

10. Manage the amount, quality, and cost of credit so as to meet the necessities of financial development and monetary solidness, as per the arrangements of the Cash and Credit Law.

11. Fill in as the bank for authorized banks, particular loaning organizations, and money organizations and direct them to guarantee the adequacy of their monetary position and the assurance of investors' privileges.

12. Direct exercises of cash changers, fund organizations, and improvement and speculation reserves; issue them the significant licenses, and control and direct them.


- The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) directs the protections showcases and is entrusted with ensuring financial specialists against botch and extortion. In a perfect world, these sorts of regulations additionally empower greater venture and help secure the dependability of financial administrations organizations. This doesn't generally work, as the financial emergency of 2007 illustrated.

- The SEC had loosened up the net capital prerequisite for significant venture banks, permitting them to convey essentially more obligation than what they had in value. At the point when the lodging bubble imploded, the overabundance obligation got poisonous and banks began to come up short.

- Different sorts of regulation don't profit financial administrations or resource the executives at everything except are proposed to ensure different interests outside of the corporate world. Natural regulations are a typical case of this.

- These sorts of regulations regularly have a gradually expanding influence, causing tumult in the securities exchange and in general insecurity in the financial segment as the regulations produce results. Organizations regularly attempt to move their expanded expenses to their purchasers or clients, which is another motivation behind why ecological regulations are frequently dubious.

- Government regulation has additionally been utilized in the past to spare organizations that would somehow or another not endure.

- The Troubled Asset Relief Program was controlled by the United States Treasury and gave it the position to infuse billions of dollars into the U.S. financial framework to balance out it in the wake of the 2007 and 2008 financial emergency. This kind of government mediation is ordinarily disliked in the U.S., yet the outrageous idea of the emergency required speedy and solid activity to forestall a total financial breakdown.

- The government assumes the job of arbitrator between business firms and purchasers. A lot of regulation can smother advancement and drive up costs, while too little can prompt fumble, debasement, and breakdown. This makes it hard to decide the specific effect government regulation will have in the financial administrations area, however that effect is ordinarily extensive and durable.

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