
In: Nursing

A 9-month-old infant weighing 20 pounds comes to the emergency department with a 3-day history of...

A 9-month-old infant weighing 20 pounds comes to the emergency department with a 3-day history of vomiting, fever greater than 102.5 °F, and significant pain. Physical assessment reveals acute otitis media, for which the doctor prescribed amoxicillin 500 mg three times a day for 5 days and ibuprofen 2.5 ml every 6 hours. 1. How will you instruct the family member to safely administer the drugs?


Expert Solution

Instructions/Health education for the family members in administering amoxicillin:

Liquid preparation: Shake the medication well. Apportion the appropriate sum utilizing an oral syringe or a solution spoon. You can get these from your drug specialist. Try not to utilize a kitchen teaspoon as it won't give the appropriate sum. You can likewise weaken the appropriate measure of solution (estimated with a spoon) in a little measure of water or drain. Ensure your kid takes everything straight away.

At the point when your tyke's specialist endorses amoxicillin for your kid, they will disclose to you the measurement they prescribe. The specialist will choose this measurements in view of numerous variables, including your kid's age and weight, the sort of disease they're treating, and different elements. Every patient is unique, so this dose will be particular to your tyke.

Make certain to give your tyke the correct dose their specialist recommends for them. This is critical for every single doctor prescribed medication, yet it's particularly essential for anti-infection agents, including amoxicillin. On the off chance that utilized inaccurately, an anti-infection may not treat your youngster's contamination totally. This could aggravate the disease get or even return again later. The microscopic organisms could likewise create protection from the medication, which implies that the anti-microbial may not work to treat the disease any longer.

To help keep these issues, make certain to give your kid the whole course of treatment as recommended by your youngster's specialist. This implies you should continue giving your tyke the amoxicillin until the point when every last bit of it is no more. You ought to do this regardless of whether your youngster begins feeling better before they've taken the greater part of the medicine. Doing this gives you the most obvious opportunity with regards to treating your youngster's contamination effectively.

Taking excessively amoxicillin can cause perilous impacts in your kid. These impacts incorporate kidney harm or kidney disappointment. The danger of these impacts is another motivation behind why you ought to take after the specialist's dose guidelines precisely as endorsed.

On the off chance that you think your youngster has taken excessively amoxicillin, call your tyke's specialist or your nearby toxic substance control focus immediately. On the off chance that your tyke's indications are extreme, go to the closest crisis room or call 9-1-1. Manifestations of overdose can include:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Pain in your kid's lower back


Like most medications, amoxicillin has reactions, and additionally notices. In the event that you have any inquiries concerning the impacts of this medication, ask your tyke's specialist or your drug specialist.

The more typical symptoms of amoxicillin can include:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea

Amoxicillin can likewise cause genuine symptoms. On the off chance that your youngster has any of these symptoms, summon your kid's specialist right. In the event that your kid's side effects are extreme, call 9-1-1 or go to the closest crisis room. Genuine symptoms of amoxicillin can include:

  • Watery and ridiculous stools, with or without stomach issues. This can happen up to two months in the wake of taking the last measurements of this medication.
  • Severe unfavorably susceptible response, with side effects, for example, swelling of the tongue and throat, inconvenience breathing, and swelling of the hands, feet, and other body parts
  • Severe skin rash
  • Yellowing of your tyke's skin and the whites of their eyes. This can be an indication of liver issues.
  • Brown, yellow, or dark recoloring of your kid's teeth
  • Unusual draining and wounding

States of concern

In the event that your tyke has certain wellbeing conditions, amoxicillin may not be the best choice for them. Tell your youngster's specialist if your tyke has any conditions that may cause medical issues with the utilization of amoxicillin. Cases of these conditions include:

  • History of hypersensitive response to amoxicillin or any sort of penicillin
  • Kidney illness

Medication associations

Prior to your tyke begins taking amoxicillin, inform their specialist concerning any prescriptions, vitamins, or herbs your kid is taking. Make certain to incorporate over-the-counter drugs. Some of these substances may collaborate with amoxicillin. A connection is an impact that can be hurtful or shield the medication from functioning admirably.

Cases of medications that can collaborate with amoxicillin include:

  • Probenecid
  • Other anti-microbials, for example, doxycycline and minocycline
  • Certain sorts of hormonal anti-conception medication

Chat with your specialist

  • If your kid's specialist has endorsed amoxicillin, take after their directions precisely. Give your youngster the correct measurements the specialist endorses. Following your specialist's directions can help ensure your kid's treatment with amoxicillin is as successful as could be allowed.
  • To take in more about amoxicillin, survey this article with your youngster's specialist. Make certain to make any inquiries you have. The more you think about your tyke's treatment, the more certain you may feel that you're giving your tyke the care they require.

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