
In: Economics

Mention at least two cities which are in serious threat of Urbanization. Dwellers of these cities...

Mention at least two cities which are in serious threat of Urbanization. Dwellers of these cities
face many problems regularly. Discuss the drawbacks of urbanization of any one city following
your text. Suggest at least one recommendation for combating each problem in an efficient


Expert Solution

Among numerous cities in India the Capital of India- Delhi, and Chandigarh (Union Territory) are under serious threat of Urbanisation.Delhi is urbanised by 97.5%. Chandigarh is urbanised by 97.25%.
Dewellers face innumerous problems.Dwellers' issues initiate with the multiple public services and its accessibilities. Dewellers need proper sanitation, Access to sufficient water supply.They need positive political interference.
Urbanisation has huge drawbacks.There are huge problems of housings of vast population which arise numerous slums.Huge population leads to heavy crowding challenges to water supply and is very crucial surrounded by the various drainage problems.So many people need transportation regularly by either ways,this leads to immense traffic and transportation issues.In this era, electricity in the most essential need of every corner of the society,which gives rise to power shortage.Civilisations need proper sanitation as well.Above all,admist every issue one hits the table i.e.problem of pollution surrounded by infinite corruption followed by unemployment leading to crime and begging.Upcoming problems of urbanisation is lack of geographical area.With the increased number of residents more living area are required.Accordingly necessary construction associated to living area are required.Hence land is falling short,which leads to overcrowding and other related problems.
There are always solutions to problems.Poverty controlling and economic development by job creation may reduce slum areas, unemployment, crimes etc.Local government needs to involve heavily in order to improve the local community problem like sewage, drainage,water supply etc.Alongwith, transport system can be upgraded to accommodate maximum passengers

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