In: Biology
The three mechanims by which drugs can cause hemolytic anemia are : drug absorption(hapten induced), immune complex and autoantibody.
Hemolysis due to drug absorption is caused by high doses of penicillin, in which the medication attached to the red blood cell membrane stimulates the production of IgG antibody. When large amount of drug coat the surface of the cell, there is binding of the antibody to the cell membrane which results in extravascular hemolysis.
Hemolysis due to immune complex formation is due quinine, in which the drug stimulates the production of IgM antibody. The drug-antibody complex binds to the membrane of the red bloood cell and initiates the activation of compliment system. This results in intravascular hemolysis.
Hemolysis caused due to autoantibody is due to alpha-methyldopa, in which the drug induces the production of antierythrocyte IgG antibody and results in extravascular hemolysis.