
In: Computer Science

Why my net pay is always 0, and how can I fix it ? here's the...

Why my net pay is always 0, and how can I fix it ?

here's the code

#include <iostream>

#include <fstream>

#include <iomanip>

#include <cmath>

using namespace std;

int main() {

ofstream out;"myData.txt");

string fname;


cout << "name?" << endl;

cin >> fname;

double salary;

cout << "salary?" << endl;

cin >> salary;


double fedTax = salary * 15 / 100;

double stateTax = salary* 3.5 / 100;

double SST = salary * 5.75 / 100;

double medicare = salary* 2.75 / 100;

double pension = salary * 5 / 100;

double insurance = 75.00;

double net = salary - fedTax - stateTax - SST - medicare - pension - insurance;


out << "Gross Salary " << salary << endl;

out << "Federal Tax " << fedTax << endl;

out << "State Tax " << stateTax << endl;

out << "Social Security " << SST << endl;

out << "Medicare Tax " << medicare << endl;

out << "Pension Plan " << pension << endl;

out << "Health Insurance " << insurance << endl;

out << "Net Pay = " << net << endl;




cout << fixed << setprecision(2);


ifstream in;

string taxName;

string secondName;

double num;"myData.txt");



cout << fname << endl;

for (int i =1; i <=8; i ++) {

in >> taxName >> secondName >> num;



cout << setfill('.') << setw(10) << left << taxName

<< setfill('.') << setw(10) << left << secondName

<< setfill('.') << setw(10) << right << num << endl;




cout << salary - fedTax - stateTax - SST - medicare - pension - insurance << endl;


return 0;



Expert Solution

The reason you are getting net pay 0 is because you were writing the net pay into myData.txt in a wrong fashion.

The following line is used to write net pay:

out << "Net Pay = " << net << endl;

Hence, the net pay written into myData.txt would be like "Net Pay = 605.0"

Now, you are printing the data in the following fashion.

in >> taxName >> secondName >> num;

In the case of net pay, taxName would be "Net", secondName would be "Pay" and num would be "=" instead of 605.0. Since "=" is not a double, it prints 0.

The correct code snippet is given below.



#include <iostream>

#include <fstream>

#include <iomanip>

#include <cmath>

using namespace std;

int main() {

ofstream out;"myData.txt");

string fname;

cout << "name?" << endl;

cin >> fname;

double salary;

cout << "salary?" << endl;

cin >> salary;

double fedTax = salary * 15 / 100;

double stateTax = salary* 3.5 / 100;

double SST = salary * 5.75 / 100;

double medicare = salary* 2.75 / 100;

double pension = salary * 5 / 100;

double insurance = 75.00;

double net = salary - fedTax - stateTax - SST - medicare - pension - insurance;

out << "Gross Salary " << salary << endl;

out << "Federal Tax " << fedTax << endl;

out << "State Tax " << stateTax << endl;

out << "Social Security " << SST << endl;

out << "Medicare Tax " << medicare << endl;

out << "Pension Plan " << pension << endl;

out << "Health Insurance " << insurance << endl;

out << "Net Pay " << net << endl;


cout << fixed << setprecision(2);

ifstream in;

string taxName;

string secondName;

double num;"myData.txt");

cout << fname << endl;

for (int i =1; i <=8; i ++) {

in >> taxName >> secondName >> num;

cout << setfill('.') << setw(10) << left << taxName

<< setfill('.') << setw(10) << left << secondName

<< setfill('.') << setw(10) << right << num << endl;



cout << salary - fedTax - stateTax - SST - medicare - pension - insurance << endl;

return 0;




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