Federal Reserve or the Federal reserve bank of the US is the
main central bank of the United States is responsible for providing
a more stable and more flexible and safer financial system. The
main duties of Federal reserves are:
- "Conducting the national monetary policy by influencing the
money supply and credit condition in the economy".
- Regulating the banks and other financial services in the
- Providing certain financial services for the government.
The main job of the FED is to maintain a stable and flexible
monetary policy in the economy. TO regulate the flow and creation
of the US currency the FED use several tools, they are:
- Open market operations: In this tool, the fed buy and sell the
government bonds in the open market to regulate the flow of money
in the market. MOre bond they sell the more liquidity is absorbed
and vice versa.
- Fund rates: When the FEd lends to other banks they charge a
certain interest rate. The higher the rates the fewer people borrow
and lower the rates more they borrow. This is mainly managing the
interest rates in the economy and demand through it.
- Reserve rates: The fed can also manage the liquidity in the
market by increasing and decreasing the reserve rates in the
market. HIgher the rates more money, the bank keeps with them.