
In: Psychology

Is the divorce rate actually 50% as we often hear? Discuss what makes for a happy...

Is the divorce rate actually 50% as we often hear?

Discuss what makes for a happy and satisfying relationship?

Does cohabitation before marriage increase the likelihood of staying together?

Discuss domestic abuse. What is it? Are there different types of abuse? What are the symptoms?

How prevalent is domestic abuse? What age group does it affect most?

Did you learn anything new on this topic that stood out to you? Please share with us!

What do you consider to be the take home points from this topic based on what you learned in the text (and from experience if you wish to share)?

Is the divorce rate actually 50% as we often hear?

Discuss what makes for a happy and satisfying relationship?

Does cohabitation before marriage increase the likelihood of staying together?

Discuss domestic abuse. What is it? Are there different types of abuse? What are the symptoms?

How prevalent is domestic abuse? What age group does it affect most?

Did you learn anything new on this topic that stood out to you? Please share with us!

What do you consider to be the take home points from this topic based on what you learned in the text (and from experience if you wish to share)?


Expert Solution

1. Divorce rates are not as high as 50% and that is actually a myth. The demographic rates are much lower than what is being depicted. The figure being depicted is based on flawed, skewed and simple calculation. According to social scientists, one way to determine the divorce rate is by calculating number of marriages in a year to that of number of divorces in a year (to see if those who have been married have been divorced). When taken that way, the statistical rates have never exceeded that of 41%.

2. A long lasting and happy relationship needs adjustment and understanding. Relationships are always a two-way highway, both parties are involved. They both need to understand this and act accordingly, it is not one person's responsibility. Happiness is a relative thing, it is based on how you view it. It comes from the inside, but happiness is directly related to satisfaction. So, if you have a satisfying relationship, you can feel happy. To have a satisfying relationship, there are certain rules or ways to do so:

  1. Communication: This is the most important thing or foundation of every relationship. Be clear, and frank, never lie. Talking about it can help your relation. Admitting to faults, encouraging, saying how wonderful other person is, talking about good points, indirect communication through smile, hugs, etc. can go a long way.
  2. Space: Everyone needs to have his/her own personal space. Never intrude in that. They have their own space and their own time. This is the space or time that people like of relax in. Intruding in 'Me' time and 'My' space can cause problems in relationships.
  3. Entitlement: People get the wrong idea about relationships. There should be no expectation in relationships. No one should be expected to love, no one becomes a property in a relationship (owing to the talk 'you are mine') and no one is entitled to any kind of special treatment. Things like love, and trust are never imposed, they are triggered only if you are worthy enough.
  4. Respect: Respect for others is one of the other important factor in thriving relationship. People should have respect for others, they should respect them for who they are. Respect means doing what you say, not being late, not assassinating character, respecting choices, etc.
  5. Support: This is the 2nd most important factor in a relationship. Support and adjustment does not mean completely sacrifice your life. Both parties need to support and adjust for each other. Support each other in times of need, their decisions, their priorities, etc. Supporting means you will have to adjust a little bit. This might cause you inconvenience, but this will help you a lot.
  6. Understanding: If you are good at listening, you will understand. You should clearly understand where you stand in a relationship, what are your roles, how you can support others. Communication will aid you in this. Even if there is an argument, make sure to view everything from heir point of view and weigh it before you jump to conclusion and do an irreversible damage.

These 6 points will help you have a satisfying relationship. Last of all, learning to be content in what you have is the secret of happiness.

3. Cohabitation does not mean that it will always lead to marriage. A certain level of intimacy and closeness is needed for marriage and many cohabiting couples do not achieve that. Usually marriage does not happen in these situations because one of the person involved in this relationship will be unsure of marrying. Marriage is a big commitment and many people are just not yet ready to commit to it. Hasty decisions and early marriages are major indicators of divorces. But some couples feel that they are ready for this big step and for them cohabitation increases the likelihood of marriage and staying together.

3. Domestic Abuse is defined as a pattern or chain of behaviors perpetrated by a spouse or partner, in a domestic setting, that involves violence or abuse causing physical or emotional damage to the victim. It is aslo called as Domestic Violence (DV). Such acts range from subtle abuse (verbal, or emotional) to violent physical abuse (ranging from violence and rape to murder, acid throwing, etc.). Most common forms or types of domestic abuse include:

  • Physical: This type causes physical harm and this is the most common form of abuse. This includes beating, kicking, scarring, acid throwing, denial of medical care, strangulation, murder (bride burning, dowry killing, honor killings), injury causing acts, etc. This is a lethal kind of abuse causing external injuries and damage to the victim.
  • Emotional: This is also called as phychological abuse. This form includes dehumanizing, verbal abuse, lying, isolating, uncooperation, doubt creating, nagging, humiliation, threat, itnimidation, stalking, etc. This causes emotional damage and mental breakdown for the victims leading to depression, and other mental health disorders, substance abuse, and even suicide.
  • Sexual: This is a form of violence which involves coercive acts of sexual advancements, comments or acts. This includes unwanted pregnancy, rape, abortion, genital mutilation, honor killing (in case of pregnancy or failing of virginity test), incest, reproductive coersion (desicion regarding reproductive health in control of spouse or partner), inspections for virginity, wife inheritance (marraige of widow to other membr of same family), etc.

Symptoms are dependent on the type of DV being perpertrated. These range from emotional to physical symptoms and include:

  • Physical symptoms - Bite marks, welts, rope burns, strangulation marks, cigarette burns, cuts, scrapes, bruises or pains, fractures, injury and ruptures, numbness or tingling, etc.
  • Sexual symptoms - Pain in genitals, vaginal pain, pelvic pain, urinary tract pain, anal pain, painful intercourse; scarring, injury, bruises or pain in buttocks, genitals, breasts, etc.
  • Emotional symptoms - Depression, crying, being emotional for everything, chocking sensation, perceived numbness or tingling, anxity disorders, battered women syndrome, suicidal tendency, substance abuse, chronic fatigue, PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), etc.

4. The prevailance of domestic abuse is varying across different countries. Most of the DV is directed against females (almost 70-80% cases are that of women) and DV against men are as low as 10-20% due to non-reporting. Motivation for violence vary by gender as females are likely to perpetrate violence (using less dangerous methods) in self-defense, while males are likely to perpetrate violence (using more dangerous methods) to exert power or control. Most prevalent DV are seen in countries of Middle-East, parts of Africa, and South-Asia. In most of these countries prevalence is high due to acts of violence baing justified. Many justify that acts of violence against wives are correct and husbands have a right to beat them if the wife is in wrong. The age-group affected most by DV are young adults. Most of the cases are seen in young adults or married couples who have only ben together for few years now.

P.S. I have answered the 1st four parts and sub-parts. Unable to answer more as I do not have much knowledge regarding the topic and text, as it is not given.

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