
In: Psychology

What is structural strain? What are the sources of structural strain in the United States or...

What is structural strain? What are the sources of structural strain in the United States or your country of choice? What are the responses to structural strain (Merton’s Typology)? How can your relate structural strain with “The Saints and the Roughnecks”? ( Min 1 page)


Expert Solution

a) Structural strain is all about opposite behaviour an individual indulges in because of pressures from the society.

Every society around the world have certain norms or ways in which we all have to behave but sometimes due to pressures for example; poverty or lack of jobs people experience societal pressure and get involved in behaviours which are unethical or amoral.

When the society puts pressure on someone to achieve a dream and the person is not able to due to lack of means then they experience strain and indulge in crimes for example drugs or prostitution.


India is a huge country with 1.3 billion of population and everybody has aspirations to become someone or achieve some milestone in life.

But since its a huge country people also experience a lot of stress and depression due to;

  • poverty
  • employment opportunities:- lack of education especially in rural India since they cant afford studies in big schools or universities
  • caste system
  • socio-economic differences:- unequal distribution of monetary resources
  • belief system
  • political system:- violation of human rights

And all these factors lead to people being under pressure from the society in general and family to achieve something. for example; In India every person needs a job to do, some people want to set up their own businesses and when one cant find any sources to raise money people especially younger generation of India indulge in crimes like robbery,kidnapping etc.

People in U.S also experience this strain because of racism and classism because they also aim for the same goals of economic success as the rest of the society but inequalities in society limit them to achieve this success.

for example; the Black Lives Matter Movement that happened shows this strain.


  • CONFORMITY:- this describes those people who accept the both culturally valued goals and legitimate ways to achieving economic success for example working part time to earn money and saving it to start your business
  • INNOVATION:- this describes people who use illegitimate means to achieve success like stealing,drug dealing etc.
  • RITUALISM:- these people use legitimate means to achieve success but they dont set up too high goals for themselves. They set up more modest goals for themselves. they would be happy with an average job too.
  • REBELLION:- they reject the cultural goals and means and find ways to replace them and do something out of the box ;find something new to do and achieve, it can lead to crime,violence and terrorism.
  • RETREATISM:- they reject the cultural goals and legitimate ways of attaining something and try to escape from it by just giving up on everything


  • the saints were were the higher class who were intelligent and well dressed and the roughnecks were the middles class ones treated as criminals.
  • According to the strain theory Saints use INNOVATION of adapting to strain as they accept the cultural goals in the society but use uncoventional means to achieve them; they did achieve success but were not as successful as others in the long run.The Roughnecks rejected the cultural goals of completing school and used REBELLION as a way to adapt to strain in order to seek new goals through new means.
  • The socio economic status of the boys was a primary driver of how they were perceived or treated in the society.

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