In: Nursing
How is coccidia diagnosed in birds? Liver biopsy, crop wash, Histopathology of the colon, histopathology of the small intestine?
Diagnosis of coccidia in birds:-
GI tract should be opened for lessons that are consistent with coccidia.collection of a sample of the intestine is done and look at the material under the microscope. A definitive diagnosis can be made from this examination.
It is important to remember that because coccidia is so prevalent, it is often found in the feces or intestines of chickens only at necropsy. The significance of that finding is weighed against the visual and microscopic damage to the intestines.
*Liver biopsy-the liver was found to be enlarged and yellowish white nodules of 1 to 5 mm diameter was distributed throughout the surface. The bile ducts were dilated and gall bladder was distended.
*Crop wash-fecal flotation methods commonly used in veterinary practice or by direct wet mount of feces and microscopic examination for sporulated or unsporulated oocysts. Because coccidial oocysts are small, slides should be examined under higher magnification. The case in which the biliary tract was involved had significant change in multiple analytes of the serum chemistry profile.
*Histopathology of small intestine:-
Jejunum showed eosinophilic circular to irregular structure of coccidia app occupying a portion of intestine completely paratising mucosa epithelial cell layer.
Severe lymphocytolysis in Peter's patch with decreased lymphocytes in the medulla and cortex with necrosis of villi and severe infiltration of MNCs were noticed in the jejunum.