
In: Nursing

Are you an emotionally intelligent nurse? Please honestly and critically assess yourself and answer the questions.This...

Are you an emotionally intelligent nurse? Please honestly and critically assess yourself and answer the questions.This should be one page

Think back on a time you were angry or upset about something at the clinical site. How did you react?

Describe a time when understanding someone else's perspective helped you understand them better?

What motivates you when you have a job to do that you may not particularly enjoy doing?


Expert Solution

Being emotionally intelligent means having the ability to be aware of and manage one's emotiins and that of others. It serves as a valuable tool for the wellbeing of the nurse and that of the clients she/he attends to. A professional nurse is called upon to deal with relationships and communication with a variety of clients, colleagues and other healthcare personnel. A high level of sensitivity to the feeling of others goes a long way in maintaining successful interactions in the profession.

I recollect an incidence as a student nurse in the pediatric ward -

Having reported on duty in the morning, we, 6 student nurses along wth our clinical instructor, Mrs A read the day-and-night report and proceeded on our nursing rounds, greetng the patients and their attendants (mostly mothers). We came to a bed where a lonely 10 year old boy sat looking terribly upset. His bed card stated that he was admitted the previous day with Viral Hepatitis. The usual greetings and enquiries about his health failed to cheer him up. That is when we noticed a wet patch on his bed, which he was trying to hide. All eyebrows shot up (except one - obviously our instructor's). He had wet his bed in the night! Obviously he has awfully embarassed and upset over it. Mrs A acted immediately as we looked on. She directed all exept one to resume the nursing rounds. I stayed back, with several questions racing in my mind -

- "How could a boy as big as him wet his bed? He ought to be alert and aware! Bad training at home!

- "Did he have some additional problem with his urinary system?"

- "Was this some complication of Viral Hepatitis?"

..All said and done, this was indeed a shameful act!

What transpired thereafter, transformed my perspective of communication!

The boy was nearly in tears. Mrs A warmly held his hand and smiled reasuringly. "Now, we understand that this was an accident. Its common when you are faced with strange new surroundings or people. I assure you that this is not going to happen agan. So, lets forget it. Yes?" Her smile seemed to spread to his face as he lit up. "Ms B here will get you a change of dress, and while you are gone, we'll make your bed". I immediately got him a set of dress. Soon as he left for the washroom, the two of us made his bed with fresh sheets and moved on.

Later during our clinical discussion, Mrs A explained to us about 'regression' in behaviours of hospitalized chldren. she said that as professional nurses who spend much time at the client's bedside, we need to understand the nuances of their expressions and behaviours, the triggers and their effects on them. Instead of being judgmental, we need to do a quick self assessment of our reactions to such unexpected behaviours, develop awareness of the various possible causes, and find workable solutions to handle our own and the client's emotional reaction.

Thus I learnt the meaning of emotional intelligence. During my clinical practice as a professional nurse, I have come across numerus clients with varied expressions of behaviour. There were times when I felt angry and frustrated. But then I would stop and think from their perspective and see clarity in my plan of approach for interaction with them. This very skill of empathetic communication has been a motivating force behind in my profession in dealing with my clients and the health team members.

Today I am proud at being a strong, assertive team member and an empathetic and reliable health care provider to my clients. I can understand my client's feelings and respond without reacting strongly in return. The joy of being a source of understanding and support to them is fathomless.

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