
In: Economics

Show the effects of the following on welfare for a large and a small country: a....

Show the effects of the following on welfare for a large and a small country:

a. an import tariff

b. an export subsidy


Expert Solution

Welfare effects for a large country on an

Import tariff:-

  • Consumers of the product in the importing country suffer reduction in well being as a result of tariff.
  • Increase in the price of both imported and domestic products reduces the amount in the market.
  • Producers experience an increase in well being.
  • Increase in price of products increases producers surplus in the country..
  • Increase in output of existing firms.
  • Benefits from the revenue.
  • Tariff implemented by a large importing country raise national welfare.
  • If tariff is high in a large country national welfare will fall.

Positive optimal tariff will maximize national welfare.

Welfare effects of a small country on import tariff:-

  • Raise the domestic price by the full value.
  • Consumers of the product in the importing country are worse which result in tariff.
  • The increase in the price of both imported and domestic products reduces surplus in the market.
  • Producers are better off as a result of tariff.

Increase in the price of products increases producer surplus in the industry..

An export subsidy of a large country:-

  • Cause an increase in the price of the goods on domestic market and decrease in the price.
  • Cosumers of the product in export country decreases in well being as a result of export subsidy..
  • Increase in the domestic price reduces the consumer and surplus in the market.
  • Producers in exporting country experiences increase in well being.

Market raises producers surplus in the industry..

An export subsidy of a small country:-

  • Consumers of the product in importing country experiences increase in well being.
  • Decrease in price of imported goods as well as domestic goods increases the rate of surplus in the market.
  • Domestic consumer price remains the same
  • Producers gain surplus in the market.
  • Foreign prices remain unchanged and exports to small country fall.
  • Thus the welfare effects on small country are insignificant and are assumed to be zero.f

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