
In: Nursing

A 49 year old man with a history of heart problems complains of chest pressure and...

A 49 year old man with a history of heart problems complains of chest pressure and shortness of breath. You should assist him in taking his nitroglycerin if he?

A 48 year old patient complains of difficulty breathing, patients history reveals an acute myocardial infarction 8 months ago, vital signs are 144/86, 110, and 24, auscultation reveals crackles in the lung bases. You should suspect?

A patient complains of substernal chest pain with radiating pain to his back and jaw, the pain is not relieved with rest, you should?

During the primary assessment, A 57 year old female says she has chest pain and points to her Epigastric area. What should you do ?

An orientated 78 year old female with pale, moist skin is complaining of indigestion. vital signs are BP 180/90, P116 & irregular, R24 and regular. You should suspect ?


Expert Solution

A 49 year old man with a history of heart problems complains of chest pressure and shortness of breath. You should assist him in taking his nitroglycerin if he?

If he has an "Angina." It’s sudden heart-related chest pain. It happens because something prevents the flow of blood to your heart muscle. Nitroglycerin helps widen the blood vessels so more blood gets to your heart muscle. That helps stop the pain.

For sudden episodes of angina, use nitroglycerin in a tablet or liquid spray form.

  • Place the under-the-tongue (sublingual) tablet under your tongue. Leave it there until it dissolves. ...
  • Place the between-cheek-and-gum (buccal) tablet between your cheek and gum.
  • Use the spray under your tongue or on top of your tongue.

A 48 year old patient complains of difficulty breathing, patients history reveals an acute myocardial infarction 8 months ago, vital signs are 144/86, 110, and 24, auscultation reveals crackles in the lung bases. You should suspect?

Lung Infection. Lung infection is a leading cause of crackling in the lungs. Bronchitis, for example, causes airway irritation and inflammation with increased mucus production that can cause lung crackles. Acute bronchitis is most often due to a viral infection, causing a wet cough that last for up to 4 weeks.

A patient complains of substernal chest pain with radiating pain to his back and jaw, the pain is not relieved with rest, you should?

Suspect "Angina" or Myocardial Infarction (MI) and refer him/her for emergecy medical support.

If he had chest pain before or know that you have coronary heart disease, his doctor might have prescribed nitroglycerin. Nitroglycerin is a small pill that is placed under the tongue if chest pain occurs. Allow the nitroglycerin to dissolve there. If your mouth is dry, a drink of water can help to moisten the pill. You should sit down (nitroglycerin may make you dizzy or lightheaded) while the nitroglycerin is absorbed. Nitroglycerin should not be swallowed.

During the primary assessment, A 57 year old female says she has chest pain and points to her Epigastric area. What should you do ?

Check for vital signs, assist the patient for the symptoms of "Angina". Since the patient is complaining of chest pain and point to Epigastric area, It can be a Hearburn related to GERD (Gastro Esophageal Relux Disorder). Provide health education to avoid acidic foods, fatty foods, fried foods, alcohol, smoking etc. Medication such as Antacid and H2-Blockers can be used to reduce hearburn.

An orientated 78 year old female with pale, moist skin is complaining of indigestion. vital signs are BP 180/90, P116 & irregular, R24 and regular. You should suspect ?

You can suspect for hypoglycemia, cause- decrease food or none at all, too much insulin
symptoms- rapid pulse, breathing normal and breath odor normal, moist/cool skin, lower body temp, normal blood pressure, complains of hunger, tremors, absence of thirst, onset is rapid.

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