In: Nursing
Why is it important for employees to be familiar with legal and ethical issues in the healthcare workplace?
Healthcare workplace involves situations where ethical and legal matters may not be the same, i.e. what seems ethical may not be legal and vice-versa. Legal and ethical issues are prevalent in the healthcare industry, especially in nursing practice. Healthcare employees are completely responsible for their work while making quick decisions about patient care and effectively communicating with other healthcare personnel. They engage in ethical decision making and behaviours arising from morality, relationships, and conduct issues surrounding patient care and relationships with each other. Also they encounter bioethical issues relevant to their practice everyday. These issues vary from client to client along with the development of medical technology and healthcare specialities. Hence the knowledge of legal and ethical matters is much relevant to their practice. Furthermore, the values in health, behavioural science and society are also ever changing. In recent times, there has been an increase in legal cases and public inquiries. Healthcare workers especially nurses are highly accountable to patients, public, employers and the entire profession. Hence, it is important for employees to be aware of the legal and ethical issues at workplace in healthcare settings. Moreover, cultural sensitive care can be provided regardless of social or economic status, personal attributes or nature of health problems as one learns about the issues of ethics and law of practice. Politics and cost-cutting strategies at workplace are negative forces and in this scenario, it is imperative to know one's ethical and legal responsibilities. Legal issues can lead to reprimand or loss of license to practice. Therefore, it is essential for the employees to be aware of their ethical and legal responsibilities to safeguard themselves and their practice, and to carry out their responsibilities confidently even in situations of dilemma while being aware of their rights and priveleges.