In: Statistics and Probability
Q. Introduce the following three Natural resources contribution to GDP variables explain the possible relationships among variables.
1. Forest Rents.
2. Minerals Rents.
3. Oil Rents.
Water ,land ,oil,forest,animal are the some natural source are the basis life on earth.
Forest are valuable resource providing food , fuel ,fodder,fruits,fiber,shelter, wildlife habitat, regular supply.conserving land,soil, maintain temertemper of place.trees relase the oxygen and observe the carbon dioxide in air which is very helpful for human life.
A minaral resources is an concentration or occurance of solid material of economic interst in or on the earth crust in such form,grade or quality and quantity that are reasonable prospect.minarl resource is non renewable natural resources vital for construction ,manufacuring and industry.when we use the mineral we kept in mind that minimum impact on evonoeco growth.
Oil resource are an estimate ammount crude oil located in particular economic region.oil mainly supplying energy to power industry heat home provide fuel for vehicles.
The GDP per capita income is the most important part of today golbal economic. The total natural resources rent is most important in development of economic growth of any country. The natural rent has always positive sgnificant impact on GDP.
Forest rent : forest rent are rounwood harvest times the product of avergav price and region specific rent.
Minaral rent : minaral rents are the difference between value of production for stock of minarals at world prices and there total cost of production.minarals include calculation of tin ,gold, lead ,zinc,iron , copper,silver etc.
Oil rent : the term oil rent is basically is used to refer difference betweenthe selling prize of crude oil and it's production cost
Minaral rent ,oil rent are varies over country.All the rents are interrelated also ha great impact on Gross Domastic product . Minaral and oil are found in most of Forrest region .so they are interrelated to each other.