
In: Nursing

Question 1 Most would agree with the statement that conflict does not exist between public health...

Question 1

Most would agree with the statement that conflict does not exist between public health policies and individual rights


Question 2

Most people would agree that genetic testing does not have any cultural or religious implications for individual decision making.


Question 3

Some people might view being quarantined to avoid spread of a contagious disease such as Ebola as a violation of their individual rights.


Question 4

Ethics is a discipline that focuses on how people should evaluate the appropriateness of their decision making.


Question 5

Among the many professional fields, health care is one that is least likely to be challenged by ethical decision making.



Expert Solution

1.Most would agree with the statement that conflict does not exist between public health policies and individual rights.
answer- true,public health policies made for the benefit of the public only,how ever it will not subvert individual rights.

2.Most people would agree that genetic testing does not have any cultural or religious implications for individual decision making.
answer- false,few religions believe that human life is sacred and not suppose to test the genes.

3.some people might view being quarantined to avoid spread of a contagious disease such as Ebola as a violation of their individual rights.
answer- false,such a contagious disease spreads faster and damages the whole nation within short time even their own family members also.

4.Ethics is a discipline that focuses on how people should evaluate the appropriateness of their decision making.
answer-false,ethics is a moral principle that govern a person's behaviour or the conducting activity.

5.Among the many professional feilds ,health care is one that is least likely to be challenged by decision making
answer-false ,ethical decision making is used by health care providers.

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