
In: Nursing

Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infection Describe its effects on healthcare, best practice solutions for prevention, guidelines...

Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infection Describe its effects on healthcare, best practice solutions for prevention, guidelines for treatment, and how informatics can improve or affect the Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infection.


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Urinary tract infections are serious health problem affecting millions of people each year.These are the fourth most common type of healthcare assosiated infection.In this infection caused by instrumentation of urinary tract.An untreated infection can lead o kidney infection.Indwelling catheter are the cause of this infection.An catheter is a tube inserterd into the bladder to drain urine,into a collection bag.It is presented by

  • The urine become cloudy
  • Hematuria
  • Odour of urine change
  • Pain ,especially on lower back and stomach
  • Fever and chills
  • fatigue
  • Vomitting

In this bacteria or fungi may enter the urinary tract throug catheter and multilpy and causing infection.The bacteria and fungi can enter the bladder in different ways,

  • The catheter may contaminated during insertion
  • The driange bad is not emptied frequently
  • bacteria from other system that is GI tract can travel ti the urinary tract.
  • Also chance of backflow of urine to the bladder
  • Lack of catheter care.

We can prevent the occurance of CAUTI in different ways,Now a days it is most common in healthcare settings,so all are focusing on the prevention .It can be done by

  • First wants to confirm the catheter insertion is neccessary or not
  • If catheter is inserting clean the area around catheter everyday
  • Clean the skin area around the cathter everyday
  • Always keep the drianage bag below the bed level.
  • Empty the bag several time a day to prevent the infection
  • Keep teh catheter tube from kinking
  • Cathetrization must be done by trained persons
  • Insert urinary catheter under strict aseptic technique.
  • Use lubricants
  • Consider using urinary catheter system with preconnected sealed catheter tubing junctions.
  • Use antimicrobial ,antiseptic impregnated catheters.
  • For long term use change the catheter once in a month
  • Always keep hand hygiene while handling catheter.
  • Person hygiene is also a matter of prevention of infection .

If infection occurs it must be treated as ealy as possible to avoid complications.

For thsi reason early diagnosis and treatment is neccessary.

  • Mostly antibitics will be prescribed,in most cases it will be oral.In severe cases It will be intravenous.
  • Increase the fluid intake can also helps to flush out bacteria.
  • Avoid alcohol,citrus fruit juices,and beverages.

The most important way in which informatics is changing healthcare is in improved outcomes.Informatics can be use to prevent keep the medical records,it also improves the standardization of patient information ,making it ver easier for futue health care proffessionlas to analyize their own practice.Well organized health care assosiated infection survillience is essential for health care facilities to promote the health of the patients.This will provide an effective in increassing the efficiency of CAUTI .

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