In: Economics
The economy of Luxumberg is highly enaged and reflects high volume pof trade and investment. The ecomnomy of Luxumberg is mainly depends upon the foreign markets, their inward investment was 391% in 2015 more than the out ward investment of 355%. The United States an d Belgium are the most important partners for their trade, the most important in dustries in this country are metal, rubber, palstic and food and beverages. The Lexem berg traade growth is well above the OECD average, how ever in 2016 their GDP fell to 5% from 11% in 2015. Lexemborge's share of the OECD total in ward FDI stock was 1.4% in 2015 and the outward stock was 1.1 %. The foerign owne d firms in the country directly sustained 39% of jobs in 2013. In 2015 the coutry has a received a 5 billion U.S dollar from its out ward investment and it was their 17% of GDP. The Exports ofd the country is highest in the OECD counties, the export alone contribute a 74% of to the GDP of the country.