In: Economics
Decision making process of a consumer
1) problem recognition- in this step consumer identifies a need. Consumer finds that he something for feeling normal.
If You want a new pair of shoe then it is the first want to buy because old one is not comfortable or you have need of one more or something else, that reason is no matter.
2) the second step is when consumer collects the information about recommended or likeable product. He can ask from friends or can search from internet etc.
If you searching about the suitable shoes for you then you are in second step.
3) Evaluation of alternatives- in this step consumer finds more than one suitable and affordable products.then he starting compare them and tries to pick the best one.
When you finds different brands those attracts you by their prices, reliability, looks, or other aspects and you starts comparing them with each other.
4) outlet selection and purchase- at this stage, consumer has come to logical decision.he can affect by experiences, marketing, actual need etc.and he purchse best one for him.
You purchase a pair of shoe that you finds best among all of them. You can buy this from a sport shop rather than a shoe store or from online.
5) post purchase behaviour- this step is like a review.when consumer stars thinking " did I make a good choice or not." He wants his expectations to come true.
You purchased a pair of shoe and find their performance is good then you will be happy for your choice other wise you will course that decision and may dont purchase the same again