Crustaceans are the important and largest group of arthopods
covering wide range of organisms such as shrimps, crabs, lobsters,
crayfish, barnacles. The crustaceans are free living to parasitic
to terrestrial.
The subphylum crustacea is divided into 5 classes and the
important organisms among them are as follows:
a. class cephalocarida: Primitive Shrimps form
an important group under the class
b. class branchiopoda:
brineshrimp, water flea
c. class malacostraca:
lobsters, cray fish, krill, crabs
d. class maxillopoda: barnacles, copepods
e. class remipedia: Earlier primitive
Importance of crustaceans are:
- Crustaceans are important because shrimps, prawns, crabs ,
lobsters are used as a source of food and important economically
for many countries by exporting the food sources
- They form the greatest biomass of any species on earth
- The planktonic crustaceans form a major source of food for
higher aquatic organisms stabilizing link in the food web between
primary producers and consumers. Eg. copepods, waterfleas
- crustaceans help in recycling nutrients by maintaing detritus
food chain.Eg. Saduria, Dikerogammarus species
- Crustaceans also help in cleaning of coastal water. Eg.
- They also form bait for farm fishes.Eg. Pontogammarus
- Their foods form an important diet of man with high nutritive
- Few crustaceans also help in pollination. Eg. Crabs
- These are used as dietary for poultry farms
- Blue crab provide livelihood to the coastal communities of Gulf
of Mexico