
In: Biology

imagine yourself as a future _________case woker___during the covid-19 pandemic_________. Do a bit of digging online...

imagine yourself as a future _________case woker___during the covid-19 pandemic_________. Do a bit of digging online to see what kinds of plans/strategies/resources are being put in place currently to continue supporting clients, students, or families remotely. Describe at least three specific response ideas that you would implement and why some challenges you anticipate to face, and how you will ensure that these plans are successful.


Expert Solution

Corona virus disease - 19 has been a largely expanding pandemic of this century. In my opinion the disease might have been controlled if the accurate steps were strictly imposed in China. Though it had already spread to around 188 countries. All scientists and medical officials are striving to find a vaccine against covid-19.

Covid-19 is officially known as SARS-CoV-2. This virus is transmitted through its direct contact with an active viral agent, entering into the host through oral pathway or nostrils.

  • The current strategies are primarily to have a socia isolation method where it is a safer method to avoid the risk of getting covid-19.
  • Cleanliness and sanitisation is a safer method against corona virus. Frequent hand-wash, cleaning your surroundings, wearing a mask all such measures are useful in breaking the chain.
  • Another important factor that helps to fight against corona virus is to develop a strong immunity by having regular physical and mental exercise, proper balanced diet,sleep,having joyful moments with loved ones.
  • Anyone who has a mild or severe symptoms of coronavirus are subjected for the test and positive cases are carefully isolated and treated well. As it infects our lungs and our respiratory parts, in severe conditions patients have difficulty in breathing as the amount of oxygen level in blood decreases significantly. The patients with previous medical records of having another disorders, aged or younger patients are more prone to death. Thus everyone handling such cases of covid-19 or have the disease are more advised to stay away from such persons.

It is common that such stressful situations and avoiding social get together can have a great impact on persons mental pressure, thus government have also taken such cases into consideration and arranged counselling programmes for such people.

Three response ideas that I would like to implement are

1. Make sure every individual have proper health plans,proper diets.these are some steps that everyone need to consider personally.

2.Reverse quarantine will be much more effective. In this all the patients who are prone to risk such as aged peoples above 65, young ones below 12, and have a previous medical issues such people are to have proper isolation and the healthy teenagers, adult would have to follow proper rules and help all to maintain a stable life along with some of work going on which is also necessary for national economic stability.

3. Even if you have some kind of mild symptoms get help of your doctor immediately.and take measures before it gets much worse situation

Some measures such as social isolation, healthy lifestyle are anticipate to follow for many. Yet strict imposing of the rules can prevent the disease on a larger extent. Prevention is better than cure. Even now we have hope to break the chain. All we need to do is the one having disease, frontline workers all are supposed to have a proper isolation and if we all follow the rules and maintain proper isolation for atleast one week to a larger ratio we could stop the spread of disease.

Though infectious people around the world are large in numbers yet death ratio is comparatively low thus a positive attitude and following proper rules are strong medication till now let break the chain all together.

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