
In: Computer Science

Implement the following function by replacing the pass keyword with your code. Do not change the...

Implement the following function by replacing the pass keyword with your code. Do not change the spelling of the function name or the parameter list.

def order_pie():

Important notes:

  • Ask ONLY these questions, in EXACTLY this order. Do not ask more questions than are necessary to arrive at the right answer.
  • You can expect the input values to be 'yes' or 'no'. For this assignment you do not have to worry about other spellings or capitalization.
  • The return values must be lists and must have the correct number of items. Do not add anything extra.
  • The return values must have every item spelled correctly.
  • The return values must have every item in the order shown.

def order_pie(): pass

# There are only 7 possible sequences of questions.

# The sequence of inputs determines the output.

# Expected results:

# 'yes', 'yes' ---> [ 'apple pie', 'heated', 'strawberry ice cream', 'on the side' ]

# 'yes', 'no' ---> [ 'apple pie', 'heated', 'strawberry ice cream' ]

# 'no', 'yes', 'yes' ---> [ 'apple pie', 'heated', 'vanilla ice cream', 'on the side' ]

# 'no', 'yes', 'no' ---> [ 'apple pie', 'heated', 'vanilla ice cream' ]

# 'no', 'no', 'yes', 'yes' ---> [ 'apple pie', 'heated', 'whipped cream' ]

# 'no', 'no', 'yes', 'no' ---> [ 'apple pie' ]

# 'no', 'no', 'no' ---> [ 'apple pie' ]


Expert Solution

def order_pie():
return ['apple pie', 'heated', 'strawberry ice cream', 'on the side' ]
return [ 'apple pie', 'heated', 'strawberry ice cream' ]
if(l.count('yes')==2 and l.count('no')==1):
return [ 'apple pie', 'heated', 'vanilla ice cream', 'on the side' ]
elif(l.count('yes')==1 and l.count('no')==2):
return [ 'apple pie', 'heated', 'vanilla ice cream' ]
return [ 'apple pie' ]
if(l.count('no')==2 and l.count('yes')==2):
return [ 'apple pie', 'heated', 'whipped cream' ]
elif(l.count('no')==3 and l.count('yes')==1):
return [ 'apple pie' ]

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