
In: Nursing

Write a 3 page essay using EDUCATION as your topic definition. You must decide your overall...

Write a 3 page essay using EDUCATION as your topic definition. You must decide your overall purpose or mode of discourse. It will probably be either to inform or explain (exposition) or to persuade (argument).
The paper might include the etymology (the origin of the word – you can find this info. in a dictionary a connotative definition, or a definition by negation (what the word is not).
You may want to use a number of modes (or patterns) of development (description, example, narration, process analysis) to develop the definition.
Remember, too, that the paper does not have to be scholarly and serious. It can be a lighthearted discussion of the meaning of a term. You may create whatever tone you want.



Expert Solution

Definition of education

Education is the process of receiving or giving systematic instruction ,especially at a school or university.

Education is a body of knowledge acquired while being educated .

Education is the information about or training in a perticular subject

Education is the process of facilitating,learning,or the acquisition of knowledge,skills,values,beliefs and method include teaching,story telling,discussion and directed research.

Education gives a knowledge of the world around us and changes it into something better.It develops in as a perspective of lookinf at life.It helps us bold opinion and have points of veiw and things in life.

Is the act or process of impacting or acquiring knowledge,developing a power,of reasoning and judgemrnt,and generally of preparing oneslf or others intellectually for mature life.


starting in about 3500 b.c.various writing systems developed in ancient civilizarions around the world.In egypt fully developed heiroglyphs were in use at abydos as early as 3400 b.c.The oldest known alphabet was developed in central egypy around 2000 b.c. from a hieroglyphic prototype.One hieroglyphic script was used as stone monuments,other cursive scripts were used for writing in ink on papers,a flexible paper like materials ,made from the stems of reeds that grow in  marshey and beside rivers such as the river Nile.

Father of education

Horace mann is the father of education born may 4, 1796 in franklin.He set forth his vision for as system of proffessional teachers who would teach students an organised curriculum of basic content.

Origin of education


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Etymologically the word education is derived from the latin word "education" ( a breeding ,a bringing up, a rearing) from" educo" ( I educate,I train ),which is related to the homonym " educo*( I lead forth, I take out), from " e " (from out of ) amd "duco"( I lead ,I conduct).

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