
In: Economics

The topic you must address in your essay is, “ What is the U.S. government, and...

The topic you must address in your essay is, “ What is the U.S. government, and how does it function?”

In answering this question, you should use the following topic.

Compare our form of government to others- Discuss various types of governmental structures like communism, monarchy, fascism, etc.


Expert Solution

-->USA has democratic form of government.USA is one of the world's oldest democratic country. Democracies often regarded as open and free societies.In democratic counties, people are ultimate, people have freedom and fundamental rights protected by the constitution.Democracies often governed by the theory of seperation of powers,wherein legislature, executive and judicial bodies of government are required to exercise their power with in their jurisdiction confered by the constitution.Media in these societies have considerable freedom.

-->Democracies are either republic ( Ex: USA) or monarchy ( ex: UK). Republic means having elected head and monarchy means having hereditary head.

-->There are various other forms of government such as Communism,Fascism,Nazism etc. When you compare these systems with democracy, you will find that these societies are marked by the following aspects :-- lack of fundemental rights,lack of free speech and free media,these societies are often autocracies or oligarchies concentrating all powers in the hands of few people.these societies are considered closed societies.There is no concept of seperation of powers.These are authoritarian or propoganda societies.Examples inlcude Italy,Germany and USSR during interwar period.

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