
In: Psychology

43.Which of the following statements about determinants of sexual orientation is true? a.Sons become homosexual when...

43.Which of the following statements about determinants of sexual orientation is true? a.Sons become homosexual when raised by a domineering mother and a weak father. b.Children raised by homosexual and lesbian parents usually end up adopting their parents' sexual orientation. c.Homosexual and lesbian adults were, as children, seduced by an older person of their sex. c.Biology plays an important role in determining a person's sexual orientation. 44.Date rape is least likely to occur when a.the woman has a clear and consistent sexual policy. b..the individuals involved have traditional sex-role orientations. c..the couple has previously had sex. d..the woman reasons with the man but does not struggle or scream. 45.Steve has always enjoyed sports, is going to college on a basketball scholarship, and now thinks he might want to have a career in coaching. He has talked with his high school and college coaches about the opportunities available at different levels. Steve liked working with high school students at summer basketball camps, and he decided to major in education in order to be prepared to teach and coach at the high school level. Steve is in Super's phase of career development. a.specification b.crystallization c.establishment d.implementation 46.Sarah is task-oriented and enjoys thinking about abstract relations. She would best be described as having a(n) personality type. a.realistic b.enterprising conventional d,investigative 47.When students work over 15 hours a week during the school year, a.they learn good work habits and usually get better grades than students who do not work. b.they spend less time studying and tend to get lower grades than students who do not work. c.their grades are not usually affected, either positively or negatively. d.boys' grades tend to suffer but girls' grades tend to improve 48..Which of the following substances is most likely to be used by adolescents? a.marijuana b.cocaine c.amphetamines d.alcohol 49.Depression associated with increased levels of norepinephrine and serotonin. more common in males than in females. c.can be triggered by feelings of learned helplessness. d..cannot be treated successfully 50.Which of the teenagers described below is most at risk for becoming a juvenile delinquent? a.Jared, who is from a middle-class environment and wants the best electronic equipment he can find. b.Lyle, whose mother is always home after school because she doesn't trust Lyle to stay home alone. c.Wayne, whose parents consistently discipline him whenever he breaks a house rule, which is at least once a week. d.Jake, who is very impulsive and tends to act before he thinks.


Expert Solution

Sexual orientation is enduring combination of romantic and sexual desires to the opposite sex or to both sexes or more than one gender.It is not always true that children end up adopting parents sexual orientation. Seduction does not comply to only sexual orientation of a person. Bio ogy plays an important role is sexual orientation.

Date rape refers to a rape in which there is some sort of romantic relationship or acquaintance rape. In most of the date rapes the perpetrator know each other.Typically can be called when they are forced into it.

Steve is in an implementation stage where he is in the process of implementation where he has decided to major in education. He had a thought of of teaching them so he took a decision to study in that particular subject.

sarah is task oriented and has a personality of being enterprising ,Her personality could also be a contributing factor .Being realistic or investigative does not help in being task requires commitment

When students work over 15 hours a week they learn good work habits as they learn time management.They are able to manage their work and study at the same time.Gender has no role to play a part in this.

Substance abuse is the major problen that adolescents are suffering from. We have drugs and narcotics abuse and alchohol. Children get addicted to mariujana,cocaine and other substances as this gives them a feeling of ecstasy and escape to their problems.

Depression can be associated with low or high levels of serotonin and noeepinephrine. It is usually trigerred with any failure or to cope with it .Feelings of hopelessness often contribute to depression as one's self esteem tends to reduce and constantly think worthless thoughts about themselves.

Juvenile delinquency refers to commiting of offenses or criminal acts below the age at which ordinary criminal prosecution is possible.Environment plays a very important role, jared wants the best electronic equipment which he cannot afford,this may make him to think of ways he can get it.Wayne has constant discipling by his parents where they keep a constant check on him. An impulsive behaviour would also contribute to juvenile delinquency as jake would not think if the act would harm him or others which could put him in a law breaking situation.

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