In: Accounting
Jamaica Public Service Company Limited (JPS) was established May 25, 1923 within the Electric Utility Industry and became Jamaica’s sole electric service distributor in 1892 which made Jamaica one of the first country in the world to have electric power (BVC, 2015). The Jamaica Government retains 19.9% of the share in JPS while Marubeni Corporation and Korea East-West Power holds the bulk of JPS shares.
Using the information given, What type of strategy should the business implement and why/( 500 words)
Jamaica iPublic iService iCompany iLimited i(JPS) iis ian iintegrated ielectric iutility icompany iand ithe isole idistributor iof ielectricity iin iJamaica. iThe iCompany iis iengaged iin ithe igeneration, itransmission iand idistribution iof ielectricity, iand ialso ipurchases ipower ifrom ia inumber iof iIndependent iPower iProducers.
Marubeni iCorporation iof iJapan iand iKorea iEast-West iPower i(EWP) ijointly iown i80% ishares iin ithe iJamaica iPublic iService iCompany iLtd i(JPS). iThe iGovernment iof iJamaica iand ia ismall igroup iof iminority ishareholders iown ithe iremaining ishares.
More ithan i1,600 iJPS iteam imembers iprovide iservice ito iover i640,000 icustomers ieach iday.
The iCompany iowns iand ioperates: i4 ipower istations, i9 ihydroelectric iplants, iand i1 iwind ifarm.
Along iwith ithe iprovision iof ielectricity, iJPS iis ia ikey ipartner iin inational idevelopment. iThe icompany ihas ia ivibrant icorporate isocial iresponsibility iportfolio iand imakes isignificant icontributions iin ithe iareas iof ieducation iand iyouth idevelopment. iThe icompany ialso ihas ia istrong ienvironmental ifocus iand icarries iout iits ioperations iin ian ienvironmentally ifriendly imanner.
The iOffice iof iUtilities iRegulation i(OUR), iis ithe iindependent iregulatory iagency iwith iresponsibility ifor ithe ielectricity isector.
i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i iJamaica iPublic iService iCo iLtd i- iStrategic iSWOT iAnalysis iReview iprovides ia icomprehensive iinsight iinto ithe icompany’s ihistory, icorporate istrategy, ibusiness istructure iand ioperations. iThe ireport icontains ia idetailed iSWOT ianalysis, iinformation ion ithe icompany’s ikey iemployees, ikey icompetitors iand imajor iproducts iand iservices.
This iup-to-the-minute icompany ireport iwill ihelp iyou ito iformulate istrategies ito idrive iyour ibusiness iby ienabling iyou ito iunderstand iyour ipartners, icustomers iand icompetitors ibetter.
1. Business idescription i– iA idetailed idescription iof ithe icompany’s ioperations iand ibusiness idivisions.
2. Corporate istrategy i– iSummarization iof ithe icompany’s ibusiness istrategy.
3. SWOT ianalysis i– iA idetailed ianalysis iof ithe icompany’s istrengths, iweakness, iopportunities iand ithreats.
4. Company ihistory i– iProgression iof ikey ievents iassociated iwith ithe icompany.
5. Major iproducts iand iservices i– iA ilist iof imajor iproducts, iservices iand ibrands iof ithe icompany.
6. Key icompetitors i– iA ilist iof ikey icompetitors ito ithe icompany.
7. Key iemployees i– iA ilist iof ithe ikey iexecutives iof ithe icompany.
8. Executive ibiographies i– iA ibrief isummary iof ithe iexecutives’ iemployment ihistory.
9. Key ioperational iheads i– iA ilist iof ipersonnel iheading ikey idepartments/functions.
Important ilocations iand isubsidiaries i– iA ilist iof ikey ilocations iand isubsidiaries iof ithe icompany, iincluding icontact idetails.
Jamaica iPublic iService iCo iLtd i(JPS) iis ian iintegrated ielectric iutility iwhich igenerates, iprocures, itransmits, idistributes iand isupplies ielectricity. iIt igenerates ielectricity ifrom ivarious isources iincluding isteam, igas iturbines, idiesel, icombined icycle, ihydropower iand iwind; iand iprocures ienergy ifrom iindependent ipower iproducers. iThe icompany ialso ihas iinterests iin isolar iand iwind iprojects. iJPS ioffers iAMI imetering iand ismart imetering iinstallation iservices. iIt idistributes ipower ito iresidential, icommercial, iindustrial, iand iother icustomers. iJPS iis iheadquartered iin iKingston, iJamaica.