
In: Economics

what are good topic's for a research papers on bussiness?

what are good topic's for a research papers on bussiness?


Expert Solution

There are different topics that can be used to write a research paper on business. The first topic is related to sustainability in business, cost & benefit analysis and impact upon the profitability. It will assess the existing trends and futuristic course of action that can draw costs and profit both.

The second topic is the carbon credit and its impact upon the business operations, alternative means to achieve a successful business and its impact upon the stakeholders. It will start with the carbon credit, recent practices and what more can be done to take care of the best interest of the stakeholders associate with the business.

The third topic is Globalization and its impact upon the business, outsourcing decisions and changes in the global regulatory environment. It will study the business before and after the advent of globalization and analyze the changes w.r.t. the new developments. The WTO and its impact upon the global regulations will also be assessed.

Above topics will be good alternatives to work upon the business and write a research paper.

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