
In: Nursing

briefly describe the following routes of drug administration. 1. intraosseous 2. intrathecal 3. Transdermal 4. Intraperitoneal...

briefly describe the following routes of drug administration.

1. intraosseous

2. intrathecal

3. Transdermal

4. Intraperitoneal

5. Intracerebroventricular


Expert Solution

Intraosseous infusion which is known as IO specificaly is the process of the injecting the medication directly into our marrow of the bone. This provides will help to provide a non-collapsible point for the entry into our systemic venous system of our body . This technique is usually used to specificaly provide the fluids as well as the medication when all other intravenous access are not accessable

Intrathecal administration specificaly is the route of the administration of the medication which is through an injection specificaly into our spinal canal, or the administration can be into our subarachnoid space of our body which will help the medication to reach our cerebrospinal fluid. This method of drug admission is Very useful in the spinal anesthesia as well as in , chemotherapy, or in pain management applications of the individual .

Transdermal specificaly is the route of administration of medication in an individual where the active ingredients are usually delivered across our skin for the process of the systemic distribution. Eg include the transdermal patches that we use for the purpose of drug delivery. This medication is given in the form of a patch which is capable of delivering the medication into our circulation for the systemic effect.

Intraperitoneal injection that is also known as the IP injection is the method of injection of the medication into our peritoneum. . IP injections are usually made into our lower right as well as the lower left quadrant of our abdominal hamster's , specificaly not into the midline. A short needle is usually used to prevent injury to our intestines or the cecum.

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